PPE and intangibles ch 5 Flashcards
Definition of PPE:
Tangible items helf for use in: production or rental to oters or admin purposes and that is helf for more than 1 accounting period.
Carrying amount=?
recognised amount after accumulated depreciation and impairment losses
What is the criteria for recognising an asset?
Future economic benefits are probable and costs can be reliably measured
When is an asset derecognised?
When no further future economic benefits exist or when it is disposed of.
What does the new standard for Borrowing costs require that the predecessor gave a choice to do?
The new standard requires borrowing costs of qualifying assets to be capitalized.
WHat is a qualifying assets?
An asset that takes a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use.
When does the capitalisation of borrowing costs need to cease?
When substantially all of the activities needed to prepare the asset for its intended use are complete.
What two borrowing costs are to be capitalised to the costs of the asset under development?
Specific borrowing costs that were borrowed to finance the developments. And the funds used out of general borrowing to finance the costs of development. When funds are drawn from general borrowing a weighted average cost of borrowing should be used to capitalize the correct amount.
How should government grants be recognised and when?
- When there is reasonable assurance that the firm will live up to set requirements to be granted the grant.
- On a systematic basis (Same as depreciation with the MATCHING principle.)
There is two options available on how to account for governmetn grants. Which two?
- Treat grant as deferred income
- Treat grant by reducing the cost of the asset at acquisition. (Won’t be tested on the exam numerically)
Investment property is either held for the purpose of ……… or ………
Rental or capital appreciation
Certain property plant and equipment is not held for use and so is not consumed by the business. Therefore it is not …..?
Investment property is initially recognised at …… and then in subsequent periods measured by either by the ……….model or ………. model.
Cost. Cost model or fair value model
Is the revaluation model used for PPE the same as the Fair value model used for investment property?
NO! Revaluation goes to OCI (If movements are above the “cost line”) and changes in valuation in the fair value model go to the income statement.
What’s the definition of an intangible asset?
It is an identifiable, non-monetary asset without physical substance
What does an asset need to be by the entity for it to be recognized?
It needs to be under control of he entity.
In what two phases does the IAS38 divide research and development into?
Into a research phase and a development phase. Costs incurred during the research phase should be expensed and costs incurred during the development phase should be capitalized.
Why are not costs incurred during the research phase capitalized?
Because you cannot argue that there is a PROBABLE future economic benefit from it.
What conditions apply for a an entity to be allowed to capitalize development costs for an intangible asset?
- Technicla feasability
- INtent and ability to complete the asset
- Ability to use or sell the asset
- Future economic benefits will flow
- adequate resources enable to complete the asset
- Expenditure can be measured.
What costs are specifically excluded from development costs?
- General overhead costs.
- Admin expenses
- Staff training costs
Is internally generated G/W and internally generated brands capitalised?
What types of intangible assets are never amortised?
1.Intangibles with INDEFINITE LIFES
2. GOODWILL (tested for impairment annually instead)
It is the VALUE of the reputation/loyalty that will yield expected future economic benefits.