PPC Flashcards
The same PPC data will suffice for consecutive takeoffs and landings, when?
The aircraft gross weight or environmental conditions have not changed significantly; that is, an increase of 1,000 pounds GW, +/-10°C, or +/- 1,000 feet PA
What is a validation factor?
The validation factor is a torque value that will correspond to the maximum allowable gross weight for the mission profile.
What is the maximum power authorized for premission planning at departure/arrivals below 40KCAS?
Intermediate torque available (30 min operations).
What is the purpose of performance planning?
To provide the best performance for the CH-47.
Where are the conditions for the data listed?
Under the title for each chart.
On the torque available chart, the point where the line bends to the left represents what?
The region where power is at maximum available due to NG speed limitation.
What does the Vne line on the Cruise Chart represent?
Structural limitations as imposed by the
airspeed limitations chart (figure 5-8) in chapter 5.
What do the torque available charts provide?
The primary use is to determine available engine torque for various combinations of PA and Temp.
Maximum gross weight to hover chart is used to provide what?
The upper chart provides Max Structural limit, lower chart provides MAX GW IGE/OGE based on engine.
What does the GO/NO GO provide?
If there is sufficient power to attempt OGE maneuvers.
The Airspeed operating limits chart is used to determine an airspeed limit based on what?
To determine the max operating airspeed; structural or blade compressibility, use whichever is lower.
What does the Max R/C and END airspeed provide?
The highest R/C, max time aloft and also
represents the best single engine airspeed.
What does the MAX range airspeed provide?
The greatest distance out of a fuel load.
What does MIN and MAX single engine airspeed provide?
The MIN and MAX airspeed range that
maybe flown with and without a load.
What should be considered when selecting cruise airspeeds?
Airspeed selected is not in excess of
item 44/45, or the Vne line indicated on the cruise charts.
What is drag factor value used for?
The amount of additional torque required to carry an external load.
Max gross weight continuous power is based on what?
Airspeed, pressure altitude and temperature.
What can you adjust on the cruise chart to meet the mission requirements?
The airspeed/gross weight on the applicable cruise chart.
What does the MAX gross weight SE from the SESC chart tell you?
The MAX weight that SE flight can be maintained based on MAX R/C and Endurance KCAS and 100FPM climb.
The maximum allowable GWT for the mission profile is based on?
Either structural limit or power limit for the entire mission.
What can be added back into the MAX MSN profile GWT?
The expendables that will be used prior to
reaching the highest altitude/temperature if applicable.
What chart and condition is used to calculate the MAX gross weight for MSN profile Torque?
The hover chart and forecast conditions at time of departure.