Powwow Day Flashcards
My eyes open.
Powwow Day
Then I remember.
Powwow Day
No dancing.
Powwow Day
No jingle dress competition for me.
Powwow Day
“I wish my hair weren’t still so short,” I sigh.
Powwow Day
Mama lays out the moccasins that match my dress.
Powwow Day
“But everyone wants to see you.”
Powwow Day
I can’t dance like I could before I got sick.
Powwow Day
“But you will dance again,” she responds.
Powwow Day
I usually savor the scents of sage and sweetgrass, but not today.
Powwow Day
The breeze prickles my skin.
Powwow Day
I’m tired already.
Powwow Day
Daddy arranges our chairs near the family drum.
Powwow Day
Mama squeezes me close.
Powwow Day
“Doing ok?”
Powwow Day
I nod, but I’m not.
Powwow Day
No, I’m not OK.
Powwow Day
“Time for Grand Entry - stand up.”
Powwow Day
Gentlemen, remove your hats.
Powwow Day
My uncles strike a large drum together.
Powwow Day
Bam. Bam. Bam. Bam.
Powwow Day
They sing, “Eh-yah, Eh-yah, Wey-eh-yah-ah.”
Powwow Day
I make a decision.
Powwow Day
At least I can dance Grand Entry.
Powwow Day
You sure?
Powwow Day
Grandpa leads the eagle staff.
Powwow Day
Other warriors carry flags into the arena.
Powwow Day
Bah-dum. Bah-dum. Bah-dum. Bah-dum.
Powwow Day
Elders head up the long line.
Powwow Day
Oldest to youngest - traditional, fancy, grass, and jingle dress.
Powwow Day
My feet stay still.
Powwow Day
I can’t feel the drum’s heartbeat.
Powwow Day
She leads me back to our seats.
Powwow Day
Everyone dances in and moves around the circle, all connected to the drum, Mother Earth, and one another.
Powwow Day
Powwow Day
Everyone but me.
Powwow Day
I watch through wet eyes.
Powwow Day
After Grand Entry, an elder prays that our dances honor the Creator, that our culture and language will stay strong, and that healing will come to those who need it.
Powwow Day
Like me.
Powwow Day
I rise to join the intertribal dance.
Powwow Day
But I can’t focus.
Powwow Day
Mama’s steady hand guides me into my seat.
Powwow Day
The drum’s heartbeat surrounds me.
Powwow Day
Powwow Day
I learn against Daddy and watch the competitions.
Powwow Day
Traditional dancers move and draw me in to their story.
Powwow Day
Fancy dancers twirl and ribbons whirl.
Powwow Day
Graceful grass dancers sway and weave themselves around the circle.
Powwow Day
The drum starts its beat inside me.
Powwow Day
Then the emcee calls…
Powwow Day
Girls’ jingle dress - head to the arena.
Powwow Day
For a second my heart leaps.
Powwow Day
But I can’t do the healing dance today, even though I need it.
Powwow Day
Their feather fans wave.
Powwow Day
Rows of cones clink, clink clink on their dresses.
Powwow Day
I sit up tall as they come close.
Powwow Day
They dance for the Creator, the ancestors, their families, and everyone’s health…including mine.
Powwow Day
I stand.
Powwow Day
I open my heart.
Powwow Day
I feel the drum fully now.
Powwow Day
Then I know…
Powwow Day
I will dance again.
Powwow Day