Powers Finals Exam Flashcards
What is Section 9 of LEPRA?
Power to enter in emergencies
May enter if the police officer believes on reasonable grounds:
a) To prevent or end a breach of the peace
b) Prevent or help someone with significant injury or in imminent danger of significant injury.
c) Body of someone who has died, otherwise than as a result of an offence is on the premises and there is no occupier on the premises to consent to the entry.
1a) Before entering re dead body, get approval from inspector or above (orally or in writing)
2) Stay only as long as reasonably necessary
What is Section 10 of LEPRA?
Enter to arrest, detain or execute a warrant.
Enter and stay for a reasonable time on premises to arrest, detain or arrest a person named on a warrant
May search the premises
What is Section 11 (1) of LEPRA?
Police officer may require a person whose identity is unknown to the officer to disclose his or her identity if the officer suspects on reasonable grounds that the person may be able to assist in the investigation of an alleged indictable offence because the person was:
-At or near the place where the alleged indictable offence occurred,
-Whether before, when, or soon after it occurred.
What is Section 11 (2) of LEPRA?
(2) - require a person whose identity is unknown to the officer to disclose his or her identity if you are going to give them a direction to the person to leave
What is Section 12 of LEPRA?
Failure to disclose identity
A person who is required by a police officer in accordance with section 11 to disclose his or her identity must not, without reasonable excuse, fail or refuse to comply with the requirement.
What is Section 13 of LEPRA?
False or misleading information about identity
A person must not, without reasonable excuse, in response to a requirement made by a police officer in accordance with this Division—
(a) give a name that is false in a material particular, or
(b) give an address other than the person’s full and correct address.
What is Section 13A of LEPRA?
Identity of suspected AVO defendant may be required to be disclosed
A police officer may require a person whose identity is unknown to disclose their identity if the suspect on reasonable grounds that an AVO has been made against the person.
What is Section 13B of LEPRA?
Section 13B - Failure of person to disclose identity on requirement
What is Section 13C of LEPRA?
Section 13C - False or misleading information about identity
(a) give a name that is false in a material particular, or
(b) give an address other than the person’s full and correct address.
What is Section 19 of LEPRA?
Power of police officer to request proof of identity
Disclose his or her identity to provide proof of his or her identity.
Require proof of identity - physical proof of Identity
What is Section 19A of LEPRA?
Power of police officer to require removal of face coverings for identification purposes
A police officer may require a person to remove any face covering worn by the person so as to enable the officer or another police officer to see the person’s face
What is Section 21 of LEPRA?
Power to search persons & seize & detain things without warrant
General search
S - Stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained
P - Prohibited plant or drug
A - Anything used or
intended / connected with relevant offence
D - Dangerous article in public place, used in connection with a relevant offence
What is Section 23 of LEPRA?
Power to search persons for dangerous implements without a warrant in public places & schools
What is Section 27 of LEPRA?
Power to carry out search on arrest
that would present a danger to a person, or
(b) that could be used to assist a person to escape
(c) a thing with respect to which an offence has been committed, or
(d) a thing that will provide evidence of the commission of an offence, or
(e) used / intended to be used, in or in connection with the commission of an offence.
What is Section 28A of LEPRA?
Power to carry search of person in lawful custody after arrest
What is Section 30 LEPRA?
Searches generally
What is Section 30 LEPRA?
List rules
Searches generally
- Quickly run hands over the person’s outer clothing
- Require the person to remove outer clothing, jacket & shoes
- Examine anything in the possession of the person
- Pass metal detector over the persons outer clothing
- Do anything authorised by this act for the purposes of the search
What is Section 31 of LEPRA?
Strip searches
*Search is reasonably necessary
*Seriousness and urgency
What is Section 32 of LEPRA?
List requirements
Preservation of privacy & dignity during a search
The police officer must inform the person
- Whether the person will be required to remove clothing during the search,
- Why it is necessary to remove the clothing.
*Request co-operation
*Only search persons of the same sex
*Offer privacy wherever possible
*Conduct least invasive search for the circumstances
*Conduct search as quickly as possible
*Explain if any clothing needs to be removed & why
*Not perform questioning while searching is being conducted
*A person must be allowed to dress as soon as a search is finished.
*If clothing is seized because of the search, the police officer must ensure the person searched is left with or given reasonably appropriate clothing.
What is Section 33 of LEPRA?
Rules of a strip search
- Conducted in private area
- Not in presence or view of opposite sex
- No search of cavities
- No examination of person by touch
- No more clothes than necessary
- Can be performed in front of medical practitioner of opposite sex
If between 10-18 or impaired intellectual
- in presence of a parent or guardian
What is Section 34 of LEPRA?
No strip searches of children under 10 years
A strip search must not be conducted on a person who is under the age of 10 years.
What is Section 34A of LEPRA?
Searches carried out with consent
What is Section 36 of LEPRA?
Power to search vehicles and seize things without warrant
Vehicle contains, or a person in the vehicle has in his or her possession or under his or her control:
- Anything stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained,
- Used in or in connection with the commission of a relevant offence,
- Used or intended to be used in or in connection with the commission of a relevant offence,
- the vehicle is in a public place or school and contains a dangerous article that is being, or was, or may have been, used in or in connection with the commission of a relevant offence,
- prohibited plant or prohibited drug in contravention of the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985,
- circumstances exist on or in the vicinity of a public place or school that are likely to give rise to a serious risk to public safety and that the exercise of the powers may lessen the risk.
What is Section 36A of LEPRA?
Power to stop vehicles
Stop if reasonably suspect that someone in the vehicle is a person they have reasonable grounds to arrest, detain or search.
What is Section 82 of LEPRA?
Entry by invitation
“Come on through”
a) investigate if a DV has occurred
b) Take action to prevent further DV offence
May stay and exercise powers under section 82 subsection 3A
a) direct person to leave or not enter
b) remove a person for failure to comply
c) prevent a person from entering
d) Prevent person removing evidence
What is Section 83 of LEPRA?
Warrant where entry denied or authority to remain refused
“Leave me”
Apply for a warrant if -
Entry has been denied or authority to remain refused
A DV offence is being or may have been committed
It’s necessary to enter to investigate and take action
What is Section 84 of LEPRA?
Obstruction or hindrance of person executing warrant or exercising power under this part
What is Section 85 of LEPRA?
Powers that may be exercised on entry into premises
“Do the five”
I - Investigate
F - Firearms
R - Render first aid
A - Arrest
P - Prevent further DV offences from occurring
What is Section 87 of LEPRA?
Search and seizure powers
“All things that send me to heaven”
Search for dangerous article or dangerous implement in dwelling