Powers Flashcards
How many appointment positions require approval of the senate?
What were some appointment rejection by Congress?
1) 1987 Robert Bork, appointment by Reagan for SC
2) 1999 Ronnie White, appointment by Clinton to federal trial court
What percentage of nominees has the senate rejected?
20% from the founding to 2005
How many presidential treaties have been rejected by senate?
3 in the last 30 years
What is an example of a presidential treaty that did not pass?
2012 (demo) senate rejected Obama’s treaty on the right of the disabled as it could infringe on US sovereignty
Example of a divided government having more congressional committees?
Bush was President with a democrat congress. Bush saw 600 investigative hearings with feisty committee chairs like Patrick Leahy
What shows the power of congressional committees?
2013 Senate Foreign Relations Committees held a hearing on the Benghazi attack, she resigned.
What shows a risk of united government?
Washington post commented that from 2001-2007 the republican congress failed in holding the executive accountable.
What is a risk of divided government?
Brian Friel commented that the Republicans under Clinton spent their time trying to make him look bad. Same for Bush and the democrats.
What does Clinton’s impeachment trials say about impeachment in practice?
He had two but was acquitted, every democrat sided with him showing that party lines are generally followed.
What was a reason that Nixon resigned?
1974 Trials of impeachment made him see that he no longer had a ‘strong enough political base in the Congress’
What are three functions of Congress?
1) Representation
2) Scrutiny
3) Legislation
What is the negative side of gridlock?
Can show the dysfunctional side of congress. Failure to pass 2014 budget led to a government shutdown of 16 days, affecting over 1 million employees.
What is the positive side of gridlock?
It shows healthy congress with checks and balanes. The founding fathers framed the constitution on compromise and not tyranny.
Examples of committees?
One for 9/11 and one for Benghazi