powerpoint keywords Flashcards
what is an anti malware
it is a program that is downloaded to stop malicious activity on the system
what is heuristic detection
when the system is scanned for anything that is suspicious and has malicious intent
behaviour analysis
this is when the piece of code is quarantined to watch is the code attempts to do anything harmful
signature analysis
the antivirus analyses the malware and looks to identify any patterns that the malware code has
dictionary detection
when the anti virus looks through its data base to identify what type of malware it is
what is internet filtering
this is a piece of software that stops the user accessing certain websites
what is a false positive
a false positive is when the anti virus says the code is harmful when it is not
what is a false negative
a false negative is when the anti virus says that the code is ok when it is harmful
what is quarantine
when the piece of malicious code is taken away from the rest of the code so it doesn’t infect it
what is a rootkit
this is a malicious piece of code that is designed to stay hidden and the user of the system not know
what is sandboxing
used to isolate a program that the user finds suspicious and is used to keep it away from the other non malicious programs
what is a worm
a worm is a piece of code that self spreads and copies its self to other computers and systems
what does delete mean
this means getting rid of the program or the code
what is a trojan
it is a piece of malware that is disguised as a normal program and is used to give the hacker access to the system to be effective the client has to download the program and access it