Powerpoint Flashcards
Brachiocephalic artery
First major branch of aortic arch , divides into the right common carotid artery and right subclavian artery
Left common carotid artery
Second branch of aortic arch ascends into the neck along the left side of trachea
Left subclavian artery
Third branch of the aortic arch, the left subclavian artery supplies left extremity . The left vertebral artery arises from left subclavian artery
Subclavian vein
Formed by axillary veins, drains the upper extremities
Brachiocephalic vein
Formed by the union of the jugular and subclavian veins
Azygos vein
Drains posterior thoracic wall and drains into the superior vena cava
Superior veins cava
Formed by union of the right and left brachiocephalic veins. Empties into the right atrium of the heart
Midline region between the two lungs. Structures include the heart, great vessels, trachea, and esophagus
Area of passage ways that blood vessels and airways enter and leave the lungs
Blood circulation through the heart
Venous or deoxygenated blood enters the right atrium of the heart by the superior and inferior vena cava.
From right atrium blood is forced down to the right ventricle through the tricuspid or atrioventricular valve
Blood exits the right ventricle through the pulmonary valve to pulmonary arteries then to the lungs
Oxygenated blood returns to the heart via the pulmonary veins to left atrium
From the left atrium, blood is forced into the left ventricle through the mitral valve
From left ventricle, arterial blood exits through the aorta and to the systemic circulation
High resolution of lungs your will see?
Separation of lobes
Organs of respiration. Left and right
Right lung
Comprised of three lobes, superior , inferior ,middle
Left lung
Compromised two lobes, superior and inferior
Small thin structures that separates lobes of lung
Mainstream bronchi
Arises at level of the carina where trachea divides
Secondary bronchi
Form where mainstem bronchi further divide into each lobe of the lung
Tertiary bronchi
Extensions of secondary bronchi that extend into lobes of the lung
Type of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Limit gas exchange in the lungs . Traps free air in lungs known as blebs. Looks like bronchile tree is dilated
Pleural effusion
Accumulation of fluid between the layers of membrane that lines the lungs and chest cavity
Incomplete expansion of lobules( clusters of aveoli) or lung segments may result in partial or complete lung collapse
_______ lesion of lung may be represent early metastatic process or primary lung cancer
Which cancers metastasize to lungs usually?
Kidney,colon, breast, pancreas
See if tumor is vascular , what do you inject?
Inject contrast vascular
Neoplastic malignancy of the lymphatic system characterized by gross enlargement of lymph nodes
Collection of air or gas in space surrounding lungs
Caused by trauma or spontaneous event
Pulmonary embolus
Obstruction of pulmonary artery or its branches by an embolus
Largest organ of abdomen located in the right upper quadrant . It is divided into four lobes. Right lobe, left lobe, quadrate lobe and caudate lobe
Largest lymph organ in body , located in upper left quadrant
Looks bright on ct due to vascularity
Dilated portion of digestive system located in the upper left quadrant anterior to spleen
Membrane that lines the abdominal walls . Organs that are enclosed by perontineum: liver, gallbladder , spleen, stomach, ovaries, intestines
Structures located posterior to peritoneum but are lined by it anteriorly. Structures include: duodenum, kidneys,adrenal glands, pancreas, aorta, inferior vena cava, bladder, prostate, ascending colon, descending colon
Long narrow organ that lies transversely from duodenum to spleen
Bile reservoir located by the anterior inferior portion of right lobe of liver
Excretory organs that produce urine. The outer portion is known as renal cortex that filters. Inner segments are called calyces that collect urine and combine to form renal pelvis
Gerota fascia
Protective layer of perirenal fat that anchors the kidneys to surrounding structures
Adrenal glands
Pyramid shaped structures that sit on upper border of each kidney . Adrenal glands produce steroids and epinephrine
Abdominal aorta
Begins at the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm and bifurcates into the right and left iliac arteries at l4
Celiac trunk
First mayor branch of abdominal aorta. Celiac trunk further divides into left gastric artery, common hepatic artery and splenic artery. Paired right and left
Superior mesenteric artery
Second vessel to branch off the aorta. Sma sits only a few centimeters below celiac trunk. The sma branches off anteriorly and inferiorly to many small branches off anteriorly and inferiorly to many small branches that supply the small intestines, ascending and transverse colon
Renal arteries
Third vessels to branch off the aorta. Each exiting laterally on the aorta to supply their corresponding kidney. Paired
Inferior mesenteric artery
Leaves the anterior wall the aorta at l3. The ima branches off the left and supplies the distal transverse , descending, and sigmoid colon, and rectum. Unpaired
Aorta ends at level?
Inferior vena cava
Largest vein in the body
The ivc begins at the union of common iliac veins at level l5 and courses upward to right atrium of the heart
As ivc travels upward , the ivc receives tributaries from veins throughout the abdomen . Many these veins correspond to arteries that arise from ______ . Renal , hepatic, superior and inferior mesenteric veins
On Ct slice, small intestine looks _____ large intestine looks _____
Poop/ air
Small intestine
Loops of bowel 18-21 feet in length that are subdivided into duodenum, jejunum, and cecum
Large intestine
Large bowel divided into cecum, colon, rectum. Large intestines start at ileocecal junction and terminate at anus
Subdivided into ascending , transverse, descending , sigmoid portions
Hepatic hemangioma
Benign lesion of liver . Composed of vascular channels generally asymptomatic. Appear has hypodense lesion on noncontrast studies , gradually filling in with contrast post injection
Liver hepatoma
Most common form of primary liver cancer
Liver metastasis
Metastic spread of cancer to liver. Liver is second most common site for cancer to spread
Inflammation of the gallbladder generally caused by and obstruction of the cystic duct. Looks dirty
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Malignant tumor of pancreas. Generally found in pancreatic head. Patients present with abdominal pain , vomiting , jaundice
An acute or chronic inflammation of pancreas. Usually caused by alcoholism, stones, or pancreatic cancer
Renal cell carcinoma
Malignant tumor of the kidney . Patients present with flank pain, hematuria and hypertension
Dilation of calcyces and collecting system of kidney. Usually caused by calculus or mass either within the kidney or adjacent to the ureter and impinging the flow of urine
Aortic aneurysm
Permanent dilation of the aorta. Generally caused by a weakening of the arterial wall. Can be surgically repaired
Complication of diverticulosis in which a diverticula is infected and creates inflammatory process
Crohns disease
Chronic inflammatory disease of intestines. It primarily causes ulcerations in small and large intestine
Small bowel obstruction
Most common abdominal pains. Can be caused by tumor, infections, prior surgery, hernia or hematoma
Abdominal hernia
Protrusion of digestive organs through the adominal wall
Free air
Release of air or gas into abdominal cavity. Caused by rupture in small bowel or colon. Can also occur post surgically
Ovarian cyst
Fluid filled sac in the ovary. Usually formed as result of ovulation
Inflammation of appendix due to obstruction
Pagets disease
Metabolic bone disease that involves bone destruction and regrowth which results in deformity
Dermoid cyst
Bizarre tumor usually benign in the ovary that typically contains a diversity of tissues including hair, teeth, bone, thyroid, etc
Fibroid uterus
Benign uterine tumor
Look at anatomy and pathology slides