Powerpoint 1 Upper/Lower Extremity Indirect Arterial Eval Flashcards
Doppler Waveform analysis capabilities: (4)
- helps confirm dz (arterial occlusive)
- helps show severity of occlusion pre to post exercise
- obstruction location
- f/u on dz progression/results
Doppler waveform analysis limitations
- casts/bandages NO
- ambient temp (room temp) can affect waveform
- uncompensated CHF can cause dampened waveforms post exercise
- can’t tell tight stenosis from occlusion
- can’t localize obstruction
- test tech dependent - correct doppler angle impt
LEA patient position?
- supine, decubitus, or prone
- extremities same level as heart
- hips rotated out
- knee slightly bent
- can use deuce if trying to get PopA
UEA patient position?
Arms at side and relaxed
Doppler Exam what kind of probe (frequency)
8-10 MHz
PO or CW Doppler utilized … what kind of angle to the skin … why does this angle work?
CW… 45 to 60 degrees… most peripheral arteries parallel to skin so it works
these two modes usually utilized for doppler exam
analog velocimetry or spectral analysis
with analog recording, what is used (2)
with analog recording, a zero-crossing frequency meter used and strip chart recorder
with analog recording, the machine estimates what and counts what
estimates the reflected signal frequency and counts how many times the signal crosses the zero baseline
with analog recording, the tracings record what over time
record the amplitude of Doppler frequencies
with analog recording, what are DISADVANTAGES (6)
- spectral analysis is more sensitive than analog
- noise
- less sensitivity
- underestimates high velocities
- overestimates low velocities
- most analog systems self calibrate
with spectral analysis, this method displays what
with spectral analysis, this method displays frequency over time and the amount of backscattered signals at a given frequency and time
with spectral analysis, it does not have these drawbacks
does not have analog drawbacks
with spectral analysis, amplitudes are shown at what frequencies
all frequencies
with spectral analysis, is it more or less sensitive displaying multiple frequencies
more sensitive
where should doppler velocity waveforms should be obtained at what levels for LEA (6)
common femoral artery (at groin)
femoral artery (mid thigh)
politeal artery
posterior tibial artery
dorsalis pedis artery (top of foot)
peroneal artery (if necessary) @ lateral malleolus
where should doppler velocity waveforms be obtained at levels for UEA (5)
subclavian artery (supraclavicular)
axillary artery (axilla)
brachial artery (@ elbow)
radial artery (@ wrist)
ulnar artery (@ wrist)
some improper sources of error when dopplering arterial
improper position of probe, moving probe on accident, wrong angle, not enough gel, too much pressure on probe tip, pt needs more rest before testing
qualitative interpretation (normal) waveform is: (what kind of waveform, what kind of peak, what kind of stroke, what kind of waveform below baseline, what kind of resistance)
triphasic or multiphase waveform, sharp peak, rapid downstroke, short peak below baseline, high resistance pattern
qualitative interpretation (abnormal) waveform is: (what kind of waveform)
monophonic, nonpulsatile, absent, a change from triphasic to biphasic or monophasic, no changes should be noted from one level to another
can you determine the DEGREE of obstruction on the basis of JUST WAVEFORM?
Stenosis and occlusion with good collateralization will cause
similar waveforms distal to stenosis
waveform analysis: monophasic flow occurs
can occur proximal AND distal to stenosis
waveform analysis: if no other obstructions are present distally, a monophasic waveform may