Powered Equipment Safety- Underground Flashcards
Underground construction includes installing conduit in a trench, backfilling the trench, and boring conduit under the ground.
A ? must be made before any ground is broken.
One Call
The first step in safety with any piece of equipment is to become familiar with the operator’s manual.
On a trencher, keep all personnel at least six feet away from any moving parts of the machine while work is being performed.
Never try to find a leak in a hydraulic system that is under pressure by hand.
On an electric or gas powered machine, ? advise(s) people of areas to avoid when the machine is operating.
Warning stickers
Three things you should be looking for when checking a trencher boom include loose bolts; loose, worn, or missing teeth; and ? .
tension on the chain
To properly place equipment on a trailer, the weight of the machine should be centered ? .
over the trailer axles
If the weight of the equipment being transported is ahead of the proper center point on the trailer, too much weight will be placed on the tongue of the trailer.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) requires ? points of tie down.
Lowering the attachments of a trencher helps lower the center of gravity of a trencher; this will help to maintain control of a trencher when trenching ? of a hill.
across a slop
The ? is responsible for maintaining the clear zone around a backhoe.
Safety glasses are only required to be worn by backhoe operators if they have the cab windows open.
Never check a hydraulic line that is under pressure for a leak with your hand because the ? .
pressurized fluid can penetrate your skin
Utilities should be “potholed” for ? .
Visual verification, when using a boring machine
When an electric strike warning system alerts an equipment operator of an electrical contact when using a boring machine, the operator should remain on the machine or ? .
A ground mat
When working underground, in the event of a ? line contact/dig-up, do NOT attempt to repair or turn off the line.
When you come in contact with or hit a ? line, treat it as an electrical strike.