Power Vocab Flashcards
Antisemite (N)
- The antisemitism of the Middle East has its roots in the same place.
- One enduring lesson of the Holocaust is that antisemitism is not a parochial Jewish interest.
S: Hate
A: Love
Antisemite (N) - hostile or prejudice toward Jews
Delineate (V)
- The boundary of the car park is delineated by a low brick wall.
- The report clearly delineates the steps that must be taken.
S: Describe
A: Blur
Delineate (V) - to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail
Disseminate (V)
- The internet allows us to disseminate information faster.
- The findings were widely disseminated.
S: Spread
A: Suppress
Disseminate (V) - to spread information, knowledge, opinions widely
Enervate (V)
- Riley managed to completely enervate Wyatt with the simple cutting of his hair.
- Watching too much TV definitely has a tendency to enervate me for the rest of the day.
S: Exhaust
A: Invigorate
Enervate (V) - to reduce the mental or moral vigor; to lessen the vitality or strength
Foreboding (N)
- When the doctor spoke, his voice was dark and foreboding.
- I could feel the sinking sense of dread and foreboding.
S: Apprehension
A: Calm
Foreboding (N) - fearful apprehension; a feeling that something bad will happen.
Impervious (ADJ)
- My art was made of an impervious layer of basaltic clay.
- The floor covering you select will need to be impervious to water.
S: Sealed
A: Permeable
Impervious (ADJ) - not allowing fluid to pass through.
Infamy (N)
- For me 9/11 was a day that will be remembered in infamy.
- He mistakes his infamy for fame and popularity.
S: Dishonor
A: Honor
Infamy (N) - the state of being well known for some bad quality or deeds.
Intercede (V)
- At this point the seconds, attempting to intercede, begged the pair to stop.
- I’m not about to intercede on the little monster’s behalf.
S: Interfere
A: argue
Intercede (V) - intervene on behalf of another.
Midwife (N)
- The midwife weighed the new baby.
- Ask the doctor, midwife, nurse or local hospital or clinic about childbirth classes near you.
S: Douala
A: Undertaker
Midwife (N) - a person (typically a woman) trained to assist women in childbirth.
Miscreant (N)
- We very much became that filthy gang of miscreants.
- It is not possible to blame the rogue thuggery of a couple of miscreants for this situation.
S: Criminal
A: Obedient
Miscreant (N) - a person who behaves badly or in a way that breaks the law.
Non-accredited (ADJ)
- In addition to the accredited media, up to 10,000 non-accredited journalists are expected to attend the event.
- Students often choose to attend non-accredited law schools because their grades are not high enough for them to be admitted elsewhere.
S: Accredited
A: Authorized
Non-accredited (ADJ) - not recognized as meeting prescribed standards or requirements.
Over-accentuate (V)
- He likes to wear clothes that over-accentuate his muscular build.
- We felt that the article over-accentuated the positive aspects of the program.
S: Accentuate
A: Diminish
Over-accentuate (V) - : to accentuate or emphasize (something) too much.
Predilection (N)
- He showed a predilection for poetry.
- The junkie had a predilection for the more illicit things in life.
S: Liking
A: Dislike
Predilection (N) - a preference or special liking for something; a bias in favor of something.
Reiterate (V)
- She avoided answering our questions directly, instead reiterating that the answers could be found in her book.
- Allow me to reiterate: if I am elected, I will not raise taxes.
S: Repeat
A: Destroy
Reiterate (V) - say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
Semiliterate (Adj)
- Riley noticed that the man read like a semiliterate person, word by word, his mind searching for hidden effects or derivations.
- Riley was semiliterate, and poorly educated.
S: Uneducated
A: Educated
Semiliterate (Adj) - unable to read or write with ease or fluency; poorly educated.
Subservient (ADJ)
- I always considered them to be too subservient.
- She was subservient to her parents.
S: Submissive
A: Independent
Subservient (ADJ) - prepared to obey others unquestioningly.
Superlative (Adj)
- All the performances were superlative
- The athlete had superlative skills.
S: Excellent
A: Poor
Superlative (Adj) - of the highest quality or degree.
Transient (Adj)
- A brief stopover in a town on your way to somewhere else is a transient visit.
- A transient mood is one that passes quickly.
S: momentary
A: Permanent
Transient (Adj) - lasting only for a short time; impermanent.
Unequivocal (Adj)
- His text unequivocally presents an elite perspective of non-elite individuals.
- For him, the ends unequivocally justify the means.
S: Clear
A: Vague
Unequivocal (Adj) - in a way that leaves no doubt.
Underprivileged (Adj)
- I got so into the article that I wanted to give back to underprivileged children.
- The school provides free room, board, and education to underprivileged children.
S: Needy
A: Privileged
Underprivileged (Adj) - (of a person) not enjoying the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people in a society.
Ambivalent (Adj)
- She has ambivalent feelings on the subject.
- I feel rather ambivalent about him.
S: Uncertain
A: Certain
Ambivalent (Adj) - having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
Aquatics (Adj)
- Most favored activities are cycling on a stationary bicycle, brisk walking, swimming, and water aquatics.
- Water lilies and other deep-water aquatics.
S: Water
A: Air
Aquatics (Adj) - an aquatic plant or animal, especially one suitable for a pond or aquarium.
Audacity (N)
- Riley had the audacity to try and bench two plates.
- Carlos had the audacity to punch a police officer in the face.
S: Boldness
A: Fear
Audacity (N) - To hear or take bold risks.
Benediction (N)
- The minister pronounced the benediction.
- She could only raise her hand in a gesture of benediction.
S: invocation
A: Refusal
Benediction (N) - Doing a good thing for someone.
Percentile (N)
- His height and weight are in the 80th percentile for boys his age.
- The Bucks only took 21% of their shots at the rim tonight, which is 8th percentile.
S- Rate
A- Low
Percentile (N) - each of the 100 equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable.
Circumnavigate (V)
- He undertook to circumnavigate the globe in 80 days or less.
- He helped her to circumnavigate a frozen puddle.
S - Traverse
A - Expedite
Circumnavigate (V) - sail or travel all the way around (something, especially the world).
Counteract (V)
- This medicine will counteract the effect of the poison.
- “Should we deliberately intervene in the climate system to counteract global warming?”
S - Prevent
A - Encourage
Counteract (V) - act against (something) in order to reduce its force or neutralize it.
Edict (N)
- The policy of bowling short at the end of the innings seems a team edict.
- The announcement was followed soon after by a company edict banning working from home.
S - Decree
A - Indecision
Edict (N) - an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority.
Viaduct (N) -
1.There is also a railway viaduct a tad northwest of the town.
2. It uses the building of an imposing railway viaduct as the backdrop for a period soap opera.
S- Overpass
A- Disconnect
Viaduct (N) - a long bridge-like structure, typically a series of arches, carrying a road or railroad across a valley or other low ground.
Fac(t) artifact (N)
- Widespread tissue infection may be a technical artifact.
- Could the observed bundling be an artifact of specimen preparation for electron microscopy?
S- fossil
A- Natural object
Fac(t) artifact (N) -
1. an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.
2. something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally present but occurs as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure.
Malformed (Adj)
1. Her ribs are malformed.
2. His foot is malformed.
S- Deformed
A- Perfect
Malformed (Adj) - (of a person or part of the body) abnormally formed; misshapen.
Fortify (V)
1. Creative projects, on the other hand, fortify you now and in the future.
2. We stopped to fortify ourselves with coffee and cakes before doing any more shopping.
S- Protect
A- Weaken
Fortify (V) - to give physical strength, courage, or endurance.