power point 1 : intro to wellness, fitness and lifestyle management Flashcards
what is health
typically refers to the overall condition of a person’s body or mind and to the presence or absence of illness or injury. Determined or influenced by factors beyond your control, such as your genes, age, and family history.
what is wellness
expands our idea of health, Wellness = optimal health and vitality
Wellness is largely determined by the decisions you make about how you live.
Dimensions of wellness
Physical wellness
Emotional wellness
Intellectual wellness
Spiritual wellness
Interpersonal and social wellness
Environmental, or planetary, wellness
Occupational Wellness and Financial (seventh dimension)
what can increase heart disease
low intake of fruits and vegetables, few healthy behaviors
what is the years of healthy life as a proportion of the life expectancy of the population
69.5 years health
9.5 years impaired health.
(79.3 year life expectency)
what are behaviors that contribute to wellness
- Be physically active
- Choose a healthy diet
- Maintain a healthy body weight
- Manage stress effectively
- Avoid tobacco and drug use and limit alcohol consumption
- Protect yourself from disease and injury
look over slide 15 figure 1.4
How to reach wellness through lifestyle managemement
Examine your current health habits
Choose a target behaviour — an isolated behaviour selected as the object for a behaviour change program
Obtain information about your target behaviour
Find outside help if needed
how do you build motivation to change
- Examining the pros and cons of change
- Boosting self-efficacy—the belief in one’s ability to take action
Locus of control: internal versus external
Visualization and self-talk
Role models and buddies - Identifying and overcoming key barriers to change
How do you create a personalized pan to change
1) monitor your target behavior and gather data using a health journal
2) Analyze the data you collect and identify patterns relating to your target behaviour
3) Set realistic, specific goals. Break your overall goal into smaller steps and goals
4)Devise a strategy or plan of action:
Obtain information and supplies
Modify your environment
Reward yourself
Involve the people around you
Plan ahead for challenging situations
5) Make a personal contract