Power of Local Governments Flashcards
Dillion’s rule
Is a rule of statutory construction. Local governments can only exercise powers that are
1) Expressly given; or
2) Necessarily implied by the power expressly given and essential to those purposes
If there a reasonable doubt about the existence of local power
the courts should resolve that power that doubt against the local government and deny that power
A government can re-delegate its administrative Powers. However,
It cannot delegate their legislative powers without authorization from the state
Any delegation of power must have
Fixed and readily ascertainable standards and leave no more discretion that is necessary to carry out the tasks
Local governments cannot enact or enforce an ordinance that is inconsistent with state laws, such laws are preempted
However, courts are obligated to harmonize state and local law
1) laws that prohibit activities that are not prohibited by the state are okay
2) laws that add restrictions to state laws are okay
The powers granted in Charters usually include
1) The power to enact and enforce ordinances, the ability to sue to be sued, the ability to enter into contracts,
2) The ability to hold, acquire, and dispose of revenue/personal/and real property
3) Condemn property through the use of eminent domain, issue tax exempt bonds with interest
Power to enact ordinances are presumed valid and are lawful when 3 criteria are met
1) Advance notice must be published before the enactment of the ordinance
2) the ordinance must be clear, certain, and definite; and
3) Ordinances are effective upon a simple majority vote unless otherwise provided in statute or constitution
An Ordinance is presumed to be valid, and must be overcome with clear and convincing proof.
Power to Incur Debt
municipalities an only borrow up to 10% of the total assessed value of taxable real estate in the municipality
3 Exceptions to General rule
1) Revenue anticipation bonds
2) Special fund bonds
3) authorized contract obligations
The power to tax
Local governments may tax property, persons and other subjects it deems necessary
However, it cannot tax income, and may add only 1% to the state sales tax
Police power is granted to municipalities
The police power broad to “secure and promote the general welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality””
Cities and towns enjoy a good deal of discretion in exercising their police power and courts will not interfere unless the exercise of police power is unreasonable or arbitrary.
Dillon’s Rule has little impact when it comes to the municipal police power because such power is both very broad and expressly granted