What does the case of Ude v Nwara say?
PoA is an instrument in writing by which a person who owns an estate in land, appoints another person as his agent and confers on him authority to perform certain acts on his behalf
Name 5 features of a Power of Attorney
Any 5 from these:
- Instrument of delegation not alienation
- It is a deed poll
- Always in writing S4 Statue of Fraud Act
- Not always by deed
- Fixed rate of stamping
- Does not require Governor’s Consent
- It is registrable
When can you not use Power of Attorney?
In marriage or to defend criminal cases
When should you grant a Power of Attorney?
- Where the donor is unavailable
- Where the donor is impaired by ill health
- Where the donor does not have expertise
- Where the estate is cast and the donor cannot deal with it alone
What does the case of National Bank of Nigeria Ltd v Korban Brothers Nigeria Limited say?
Both donor and donee must be persons who possess legal capacity to the acts specified in the instruction,ent
Who cannot grant a Power of Attorney?
- A Minor
- A lunatic
- An undischarged bankrupt
- A firm
- An unregistered Association
- An enemy alien
- A company in liquidation
Mention the different types of Power of Attorney
Revocable Irrevocable Specific General Fixed Non-fixed
List 4 differences between Power of Attorney and Conveyance
Deed Poll v Indenture
Delegation v Alienation
Does not have to be by deed v must be by deed
Doesn’t require Gov’s consent v Gov’s consent needed
Fixed stamping v Stamping ad valorem
Difference between power of attorney and contract of sale
Does not transfer interest v Equitable interest transferred
No need to exchange v must be exchanged
No need for consideration v must be supported by consideration
Must a power of attorney be by deed?
No, it only needs to be by deed when the donee is given the power to create a deed
Does a Power of Attorney require Governor’s Consent?
Not usually but it does in Lagos where it must also be registered if it authorises the execution of an instrument
When is power of attorney revocable?
At any time and for any reason as long as the donee has not exercised the power
When is power of attorney irrevocable?
When consideration is paid by the donee to the donor. Cannot be revoked until consideration is repaid
What is a general power of attorney?
Power granted to cover all areas pertaining to the subject matter
When is a power of attorney non-fixed?
When it is valid until revoked or the acts granted power to complete are done