POWER case Studies Flashcards
about raising awareness and donationg money to help young children
‘he told his parents to fck off… he told his foster parents to fck off’
Voice – fronted conjunction, taboo lexis
‘Play pass the parcel with young person’s life’
Figurative language – metaphorical phrasing verb
Instrumental power (police officer + witness )
Police script taken from part of an interview involving a witnessed to armed robbery
The police officer leads the issue because of the instrumental power
What sort of age was he’
Closed question– elicits information quickly
'six foot one.Hair?’ Clarification – echos information
Jimmy savile
In the interview Salvile has subverted influencial power against the police officer
‘I’m quite happy to answer questions ’
Abstract noun , infinitive – conditional clause infers his innocence
'And I’ll help you do your job’ Modal verb of certainty, repetition second pp –manipulative
Year 9 classroom discourse
Instrumental power is present through a teacher trying to calm own classroom of students - is unsuccessful
‘Can we make a start please‘’
Present participle verb – politeness marker
'so let’s look at the synopsis’ Contracted inclusive pronoun – shows how the teacher is inclusive
Political text A
Taken from the court room in the house of commons
Ed Miliband ‘’
Instrumental Power –
Initiates question
Proper noun
Ed Miliband: ‘under his NHS plans’
Acronyms ‘NHS’
Determiner links to responsibility
‘He is breaking his promise’’
Present participle verb
Political B
taken from the court room in the house of parliament of the welsh assembly
AJ: ‘Thank You deputy‘’
Politeness marker – noun phrase
‘On NHS sector principles’
Abstract noun – demonstrates core ideologies
CJ: ‘I could hear the liberal democrats talking … coz not many of them … faced with wall of silence ‘
Metaphorical idiom – criticises small party
Abbreviated connection- less formal
‘All the parents all the teachers all the nursery assistance’
Rhetorical strategies- quantify substance
PB: ‘System in Wales effectively a basket case’
Deliberate overstatement – evidence
‘Needs major major overall to put roght’
Deliberate repetition- gets point across more
Barack Obama
‘I got it- idiomatic, colloquially speaking
You keep that - lexis