Power and national political actors Glossary Terms Flashcards
Key vocab
Define Institution
An institution is an establishment farmwork for structing and regulating certain aspects of human social life.
Define Political significance
Refers to the importance, impact or relevance of a political event. action, decision or actor within the context of a particular society, government or political system .
Define power
Power is an ability to influence outcomes within a system
Define Poltical Actors
Political actors are the individuals, groups, institutions or entities that participate in and influence the political processes that determine which decisions, polices and actors are taken
Define Political Interests
Political interests are the desires. motivations and goals that both shape and drive the behavior of political actors.
Define Political Change
Political change refers to the extent to which political outcomes differ over time, including as a result of the actions of political actors; a lack of change is taken to indicate political stability.
Define Political Perspectives
political perspectives are the ways in which political actors see and understand their interests, which are influenced by their ideas, values, experinces and contextual factors.
Define Capacity
Capacity is the potential or ability to do something or influence an outcome
Define Policy
A policy is an agreed- upon set of ideas or a plan for how a government or other group will respond in particular situations, typically expressed in statements, laws or other rules.
Define Entities
Entities are organizations founded for a particular cause or purpose, such as religion, government, education, professions or social purpose.
Define Sate
A state is political unit that has a permanent population, defined territory, a distinct government and recognized sovereignty; states are traditionally considered the central actors in global politics.
Define Multicultural
Multicultural means several different cultures coexisting peacefully and equitably In a single country
Define Culturally homogenous
Culturally Homogeneous refers to a country or other group sharing an overwhelming dominant or unfirm culture.
Define Sovereignty
Sovereignty is the legitimate or widely recognized ability to exercise effective control over matter in a particular area, or within particular borders.
Define Liberal Democracy
Liberal Democracy refers to a form of democracy in which the power of government is limited and counterbalanced by the rights and freedoms of individuals, which are protected by constitutions, established norms and institutions.