Power and control wheel developed by advocacy workers in
P/C wheel = based on..
real cases and narratives of survivors
P/C wheel, ‘spokes’ of wheel show how different elements of abuse come together to be more than the
sum of the parts
P/C wheel is linked to Kirkwood and the..
‘web’ of abuse (1993)
8 spokes:
using intimidation
using emotional abuse
using isolation
minimizing, denying and blaming
using children
using male privilege
using economic abuse
using coercion and threats
Using Emotional abuse: in CC is continuous and designed to degrade, it is personalised and use to…
monopolise time and cause anxiety/exhaustion
Using isolation: is one of the most common tactics, some forbid contact or set up surveillance, some just behave badly so she self-isolates and increases anxiety. Surveillance as a tactic is exampled in the BBC programme:
Murdered by my boyfriend (2014)
Minimizing, denying and blaming: abusers will always say they’re provoked and lost their temper. Jeff Hearn - ‘the violences of men’ talks about losing temper, which makes people focus on one incident as opposed to the…
course of conduct (CC)
Using children: threats to harm, taken away and making children complicit in the abuse, or the victim complicit in the abuse of the
Using male privilege: ‘man of the house’, using her as a servant, for instance a victim who couldn’t answer from
her own perspective
Using economic abuse - like living with an ‘obsessive compulsive accountant’ and not letting her…
go to work
Using coercion and threats: threats always present - to children, pets, etc. as well as threats to commit suicide, which causes
emotional stress
PHYSICAL and SEXUAL VIOLENCE outside the wheel
Violence = attached to non-compliance, and is the…
PHYSICAL and SEXUAL VIOLENCE outside the wheel
PHYSICAL V = frequent but…
low level
not visible
PHYSICAL and SEXUAL VIOLENCE outside the wheel
SEXUAL V = not always rape, can be…
unwanted/make-up sex
Effect of all of this is cumulative (P/C wheel)
One way to distinguish CC from discrete acts of violence and abuse is generalised…
anxiety and fear