Power And Conflict Quotes Flashcards
Quotes from Ozymandias
“I met a traveller from an antique land”
“Vast trunkless stone” - statue incomplete
“Lifeless” once dead no one remember
Quotes from tissue
Repetition of paper - draw attention have multiple purpose
Light shine - light imagery think fragile
With living tissue - shift to human life
Structure never meant to last - life is temporary
Rivers road railtracks - she’s free
Quotes from checking out me history
Dem tell me - repetition he not told
Blind me - metaphor not showing him identity
Cyclical structure
Enjambment - lots to say
I me - possessive pronouns proud
Caribbean accents proud of culture
Quotes from prelude
Led by her - power of the nature
Willow tree - nature imagery
Troubled pleasure - oxymoron of guilt
Huge mighty forms that’s do not like living men - nature
Sibilance sinister mood
Quotes from kamikaze
Blue translucent sea - nature imagery
Little fishing boats strung out like hunting - simile cover up pain of war
Safe - repetition mind set
Quotes from bayonet charge
Suddenly he awoke and was running- nightmare discomfort
Rolled like a flame - simile danger
Heavy his hot - h heavy breathing
Quotes from storm on the island
Exploding comfortably- oxymoron feeling of fear and safety
Bombarded - compare to war
Spits like a tame cat - simile frightening
Quotes from exposure
Merciless iced east wind that knives us - personified
Sudden successive - whistling of bullets flying sibilance
Flowing flakes - alliteration
Is that we are dying? Questions of death
Quotes from London
I wander” - first person
Every cry ever voice - repetition
Infants cry of fear - distressed
Marriage hearse - oxymoron happy marriage to death
Abab rhyme scheme
Quotes from my last dutches
My last duchess painted on the wall- owned her
The curtain I have drawn to you - he control who see her
I gave commands them all smiles stopped -controlling unfaithful and could have killed her
Quotes from remains
Possible armed possibly not - doubt follow
All three all three- repetition of quit and it wasn’t just him
His bloody life in my bloody hands- he feel responsible
Carted of into the back of the lorry - cold usual actions
Quotes from Poppys
Before - repetition of remembrance
Graze my nose - close to her son
Steeled and softening - trying to be brave
Released a song bird from its cage - her son leaving
Playground voice catching on the wind - school and army
Quotes from war photographer
To do what someone must - trying to help emotion
They do not care
Quotes from emigre
There was once a country - she lost
Sunlight clear - her original memory child like vocab
I am told - she refuse to believe
Bright filled paperwork - metaphor memories bright
There’s no way back - change in mood
Poems that link to identity
Checking out me history
Poems that link to nature
Storm in the island
Exposure - horrible conditions
Poems that link to power of humans
Poems that link to effect of conflict
Charge if the light Brigade
Poems that link to loss of absence
The emigre
Poems that link to loss of power
Poems link to emotions
Checking out mr history
Quotes from charge of the light brigade
Half a League half a League onwards - horse gallop unstoppable
Theirs not to mad
Theirs not - repetition of obedience
Valley of death - biblical references
Cannon - repetition