Power and Conflict poetry Flashcards
where is this quote from?
“Strange, it is a huge nothing that we fear.”
storm on the island
finish the quote from London “I wander…”
“I wander through each chartered street,”
finish the quote from tissue “the back of the koran, where…”
“the back of the koran, where a hand has written in the names”
where is this quote from? “If buildings were paper, I might feel their drift”
finish the quote from Ozymandias “ the lone….”
“The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Finish the quote from tissue “With living…..”
“With living tissue, raise a structure”
finish the quote from Ozymandias “my name…”
“My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:”
Where is this quote from? “Sneer of cold command”
Finish the quote from Storm On The Island “exploding…”
“Exploding Comfortable down the cliffs”
Where’s this quote from? “The mind-forged manacles I hear:”
Finish this quote from London “In every infants….”
“In every infant’s cry of fear,”
Finish the quote from Ozymandias “nothing beside..”
“Nothing beside remains. Round the decay”
Finish this quote from storm on the island “spits like”
“spits like a tame cat turned savage”
Where’s this quote from? “plagues the marriage herse.”
Finish this quote from extract from the prelude”The horizon’s bound, a huge….”
“The horizon’s bound, a huge peak, black and huge”
Finish the quote from my last duchess “That’s my…”
“That’s my last duchess painted on the wall”
Where’s this quote from?
“came thro’ the jaws of death
Back from the mouth of hell”
The charge of the light brigade”
Finish this quote from exposure “ Pause over half-known…”
” Pause over half-known face. All their eyes are ice,”
Where’s this quote from? “That dazzled with rifle fire, hearing”
Bayonett charge
Finish this quote from remains “I see every….”
“I see every round as it rips through his life-“
Where’s this quote from? “your playground voice catching the wind.”
Finish this quote from War Photographer “A hundred…”
“A hundred agonies in black-and-white”
Where’s this quote from? “Dem tell me”
Checking out me history
Wheres this quote from? “like a huge flag waved first one way then the other”
Where’s this quote from?
“that do not live
Like living men,”
Extract from the prelude
Finish this quote from my last duchess “(since none puts….”
“(since none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you, but I)”
Finish this quote from The charge of the light brigade “Rode…”
“Rode the six hundred”
Where’s this quote from “But nothing happens”
Finish this quote from bayonet charge “His terrors…”
“His terrors touchy dynamite.”
Where’s this quote from? “pain itself, the image of agony.”
Where’s his quote from? “and you were away, intoxicated.”
Finish this quote from war photographer “he earns his living….”
“he earns his living and they do not care.”
Finish this quote from the emigrèe “I can’t get it off my tongue….”
“I can’t get it off my tongue. it tastes of sunlight.”
where’s this quote from?
“Dem tell me
Wha dem want to tell me”
checking out me history
Finish this quote from kamikaze
“He must have wondered
“He must have wondered
which had been the better way to die.”
where’s this quote from? “I struck and struck again.”
extract from the prelude
Finish this quote from my last duchess
“she thanked men, - good! but….”
“she thanked men, - good! but thanked
somehow - I know not how - “
Where’s this quote from? “cannon to the left/right/behind them”
The charge of the light brigade
where’s this quote from? “for the love of God seems dying.”
Finish this quote from bayonet charge “his footfalls…”
“his footfalls for reason”
Finish this quote from remains “his bloody…”
“his bloody life in my bloody hands.”
Finish this quote from poppies “I wanted to graze my..”
“I wanted to graze against the tip of your nose.”
Finish this quote from war photographer “Belfast….”
“Belfast. Beruit. Phnom Penn. All flesh is grass.”
Where’s this quote from? “I comb its hair and love it’s shining eyes”
The emigrèe
Finish this quote from checking out me history “I carve…’
“I carving out me identity”
Finish this quote from kamikaze “a shaven head…’
“a shaven head
full of powerful incantations”
finish this quote from extract from the prelude “with purpose of it’s own…”
“with purpose of its own
and measured motion like a living thing”
Finish this quote from my last duchess “I gave commands…’
“I gave commands; then all smiles stopped together.”
Finish this quote from exposure “our brains ache, in the…”
“our brains ache , in the merciless ice east winds that knife us”
Where’s this quote from? “in a threshing circle, its mouth wide”
bayonet charge
Where’s this quote from? “tosses his guts back into his body”
Finish this quote from poppies “I was brave, as…”
“I was brave, as I walked with you,”
finish this quote from war photographer “The readers eyeballs…”
“the readers eyeballs prick
with tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers.”
where’s this quote from? “There once was a country… I left it as a child”
the emigrèe
where’s this quote from? “this was no longer the father we loved.”
finish this quote from tissue “If buildings were paper,
“If buildings were paper, I might feel their drift”
finish this quote from ozymandias “Sneer of
“Sneer of cold command”
finish this quote from London “The mind-forged
“The mind-forged manacles I hear:”
finish this quote from London “plagues the
“plagues the marriage herse.”
finish this quote from charge of the light brigade “came thro’ the jaws
“came thro’ the jaws of death
Back from the mouth of hell”
finish this quote from bayonet charge That dazzled with
That dazzled with rifle fire, hearing”
finish this quote from poppies “your playground
“your playground voice catching the wind.”
finish this quote from kamikaze “like a huge flag
“like a huge flag waved first one way then the other”
finish this quote from exposure “But nothing
“But nothing happens”
finish this quote from remains “pain itself,
“pain itself, the image of agony.”
finish this quote from poppies “and you were away,
“and you were away, intoxicated.”
finish this quote from extract from the prelude “I struck and
“I struck and struck again.”
finish this quote from charge of the light brigade “cannon to
“cannon to the left/right/behind them”
finish the quote from exposure “for the love of
“for the love of God seems dying.”
finish this quote from the emigrèe “I comb its hair and
“I comb its hair and love it’s shining eyes”
finish this quote from bayonet charge “in a threshing
“in a threshing circle, its mouth wide”
finish this quote from remains “tosses his guts
“tosses his guts back into his body”
finish this quote from the emigrèe “There once was a
“There once was a country… I left it as a child”
finish this quote from kamikaze “this was no longer
“this was no longer the father we loved.”