Power And Conflict Poetry Flashcards
What are 3 quotes from remains?
“Blood-shadow stays on the street”
“His bloody life in my bloody hands”
“Dream, he’s torn apart by a dozen rounds”
themes of war, relationship, memory
In Émigres, what phrase is repeated through the poem?
L8 sunlight
L16 tastes of sunlight
L25 evidence of sunlight
In Line 10 of the émigree what phrase emphasises her positive outlook?
The graceful slopes
L10 glow even clearer as time roles it’s tanks
In line 21of the émigree, how is the city personified with the girl?
My city takes me dancing through the city walls
In line 23 of Emigree, what phrase makes the readers contradict there own thoughts about the girls imagination?
“They accuse me of being dark in their free city “
In line 9 of remains, what does the soldier see which startled him?
I see every round as it rips through his life
In line 10 of Remains, what does the soldier see after he kill the person?
“I see broad daylight on the other side.”
In line 22 of remain, what quote emphasises his trauma?
“Sleep, and he’s probably armed, possibly not”
In line 27 of remains, what does the soldier think about the death of guy?
“Not left for dead in some distant, sun-stunned, sand-smothered land”
In line 30(last) of Remains. What does the soldier see in his hands?
“His bloody life in my bloody hands”
In line 3 of bayonet charge, where is the ‘soldier’ running towards?
“Stumbling across a field of clods towards a green hedge”
In Bayonet Charge, on line 4. What do the bullets do?
“Bullets smacking the belly out of the air”
In Bayonet Charge, on line 16, what came out of the furrows?
“Threw up a yellow hare that rolled like a flame”
On line 23 of bayonet charge, what quote represents his willingness to kill?
“His terrors touchy dynamite”
In kamakaze, on line 2 present the conflicting thoughts of the pilot?
“With a flask of water, a samurai sword”
In kamakaze. On line 10 how is the sea described?
“Green-blue translucent sea”
In kamakaze “what quote conveys the peaceful landing on line 26
“To the shore, salt-sodden, awash with cloud market mackerel”
In kamakaze, on line 30, what quote alludes to the mistreatment foreshadowed for the pilot?
“A tuna, The dark prince, muscular, dangerous “
In war photographer, wharf quote emphasises the chaos where the photos have been taken on line 6
“Belfast.Beirut. Phnom Penh.” Plosive alteration
On line 6 in war photographer, what quote is used from the book of isiah that contradicts the narrative?
“All flesh is grass”
On line 9 of war photographer. What quote isolates the wealthy from conflict?
“Rural England”
In war photographer on line 12, what quote create a horrible image of youth pain?
“running children in a nightmare heat”
In war photographer, what quote shows how little the people care for the war, In line 22?
“Tears between the bath and pre-lunch beers”
In Exposure, what quote emphasizes the the fear of nature to the soldiers in line 1?
“Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knive us”
In exposure, what phrase is repeated which present the futility and everlasting pain of war?
“But nothing happens”
In Exposure, In line 16, what quote present the fearlessness of warfar?
“Sudden successive bullets streak the silence”