Power and Conflict Poetry Flashcards
a pair of stone legs that are somehow still standing in the middle of the desert. (Ozymandias)
“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone”
Most powerful human is beaten by nature (Ozymandias)
“Half sunk, a shattered visage lies”
personification of his pride and almost dissaproval (Ozymandias)
“sneer of cold command”
ruler of the gods (Ozymandias)
“king of kings”
semantic field of wreck and destruction (Ozymandias)
“colossal wreck, boundless and bare”
Alliterative ‘W’ which gives negative effect (London)
“marks of weakness, marks of woe”
abstract control has become concreted in society (London)
“The mind-forged manacles I hear”
young working kids that end up dyeing young (London)
“chimney sweeper’s cry…hapless soldier’s sigh”
links with happiness and death (London)
“plagues the marriage hearse”
talks about being on a date on a summer evening (The Prelude)
“One summer evening (led by her)”
nature shows pure beauty but also power (The Prelude)
“troubled pleasure”
repetition of huge to emphasise height (The Prelude)
“a huge peak, black and huge”
aggressive sexual language (The Prelude)
“lustily I dipped my oars into the silent lake”
narrator is feeling alone and depressed (The Prelude)
“there hung a darkness, call it solitude / or blank
shows control man and society have over nature (London)
“I wander through each chartered street”
Approaching death (The Charge Of The Light Brigade)
“valley of death”
Soldiers jobs are to go and fight and die (The Charge Of The Light Brigade)
“theirs not to make reply/ theirs not to reason why/ theirs but to do and die”
Mouth of death (The Charge Of The Light Brigade)
“jaws of Death/…mouth of Hell”
Someone made a mistake (The Charge Of The Light Brigade)
“someone had blunder’d”
Their wise army (The Charge Of The Light Brigade)
“Noble six hundred”
The weather is slowly killing the soldiers (Exposure)
“Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knive us…”
Emphasis on the boredoem of war ( this is repeated a lot) (Exposure)
“But nothing happens”
Lost dreams and suffering from snow (Exposure)
“forgotten dreams, and stare, snow-dazed”
They no longer care about dying (Exposure)
“we turn back to our dying”
There is a sudden change in pace as bullets come firing (Exposure)
“sudden successive flights of bullets streak the silence”
The residents are ready for the storm (Storm On The Island)
“We are prepared”
Oxymoron of something being calm and then suddenly aggresive and violent (Storm On The Island)
“spits like a tame cat/ turned savage”
Oxymoron of action but this action being comforting (Storm On The Island)
“exploding comfortably”
The terrain of the island has been permanently damaged by the storm (Storm On The Island)
“But there are no trees, no natural shelter”
The residents are attacked by nothing (Storm On The Island)
“We are bombarded by the empty air”
Bullets are even damaging the air (Bayonet Charge)
“bullets smacking the belly out of the air-“
Throwing his rifle with no thought procces (Storm On The Island)
“he lugged a rifle numb as a smashed arm”
The love of his country makes him cry (Storm On The Island)
“patriotic tear”
Yellow hare looking like fire (Storm On The Island)
“a yellow hare that rolled like a flame/ And crawled in a threshing circle”
Hes lost his pratiotic nature (Storm On The Island)
“king, honour, human dignity, etcetera”
At a different time (Remains)
“On another occasion”
Questioning if his enemy is armed (Remains)
“probably armed, possibly not”
Aggresive language used to describe the enemys death (Remains)
“rips through his life”
There is no care for the enemies dead body (Remains)
“tosses his guts back into his body”
Reference to macbeth with guilt (Remains)
“his bloody life in my bloody hands”
Tucks and darts (Poppies)
“tucks, darts, pleats”
Life has many joys (Poppies)
“the world overflowing/ like a treasure chest”
Talks about being free and no longer trapped (Poppies)
“released a song bird from its cage”
Whishing (Poppies)
“leaned against it like a wishbone”
The mum misses her dead son and wants time to go back (Poppies)
“hoping to hear. Your playground voice catching on the wind”
Tittle (My Last Duchess)
“my last Duchess”
Death on her throat (My Last Duchess)
“half-flush that dies along her throat”
The power of his name (My Last Duchess)
“My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name”
The power he has to control people (My Last Duchess)
“I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together”
Pointing out artwork about a sea creature (My Last Duchess)
“Notice Neptune…/Taming a sea-horse”