Power and Conflict Poems - quotations Flashcards
“Ozymandias” - the land has been forgotten because the statue no longer holds power.
“I met a traveller from an antique land”
“Ozymandias” - the statue is missing pieces because there has been a transfer of power.
“two vast and trunkless legs of stone”
“Ozymandias” - the acts of humans are insignificant to the passing of time and all power will eventually be lost.
“round the decay”
“London” - the streets are controlled by the government as they hold all of the power.
“I wander through each chartered street”
“London” - repeated to emphasise the entire population is affected by this.
“in every”
“London” - the government is giving the people no escape from their control.
“the mind forged manacles i hear”
“Extract from, the Prelude” - mother nature has full control over him.
“led by her”
“Extract from, the Prelude” - appreciation of the power of nature compared to humans.
“a huge peak, black and huge”
“Extract from, the Prelude” - the mountain is eternal and will be on earth forever whereas humans do not.
“do not live like living men”
“My Last Duchess” - the duke only allows certain people to look at the painting so he doesn’t have to worry.
“the curtain I have drawn for you”
“My Last Duchess” - duke criticises her cheeriness and claims she was too friendly.
“too easily impressed; she liked whate’er”
“My Last Duchess” - the duke had the duchess killed because she was too flirtatious.
“then all smiles stopped”
“The Charge of The Light Brigade” - repetition to show emphasise the large number of men involved.
“rode the six hundred”
“The Charge of The Light Brigade” - people marvelled at their bravery or the public questioned the commands.
“all the world wonder’d”
“The Charge of The Light Brigade” - the soldiers should be remembered for trying despite knowing their fate.
“honour the light brigade, noble six hundred”
“Exposure” - repeated phrase to show they’re constantly waiting for a change but it never comes.
“but nothing happens”.
“Exposure” - they are questioning the meaning of war because it has no point.
“what are we doing here?”
“Exposure” - the soldiers are losing their faith because they are being allowed to suffer.
“love of God seems dying”