Power analysis Flashcards
type 1 error
when we accept a difference or relationship, but there isn’t one
type 2 error
when we conclude that there is no difference or relationship, but there is one
significance criterion
alpha (a) - risk of making a type 1 error (set at .05 - 5%)
effect size
measure of the magnitude of a result independent of sample size
Cohen (1992)
small effect size (d = .20, r = .10) [393 p’s per group]
medium (d = .50, r = .30) [64 p’s per group]
large (d = .80, r = .50) [26 p’s per group]
statistical power
probability of avoiding making a type 2 error
power is set at .80 = 20% chance
ratio of 1:4 - type 1 : type 2
depends on: effect size (large are easier to detect than small sample size (large = greater the power, smaller standard error) precision of measures (more reliable - better estimates - less error variance)
prospective power analysis
significance criterion (a = .05) power (.80) effect size (estimated from previous research, pilot study, small/medium/large effect size)
= required sample size
retrospective power analysis (SPSS)
effect size = sensitivity
number of participants = a priori
power of the study = post hoc
retrospective power analysis (effect size)
significance criterion (.05)
power (80%)
sample size known
estimated effect size
report what kind of power analysis number of participants possible effect size...(d=x) alpha (.05) and power (80%)
retrospective power analysis (number of participants)
A priori
significance (.05)
power (80%)
effect size known
estimates participants needed for that effect size
report what kind of power analysis effect size was calculated for the experiment sample needed for that effect size alpha (.05) and power (80%)
retrospective power analysis (power of study)
post hoc
significance (.05)
effect size known
participants known
estimated power of study
report what kind of power analysis effect size of study participants used in each condition alpha set (.05) what is the power of the study?
prospective power analysis (participants needed)
a priori
what kind of power analysis (prospective)
effect size (estimated, pilot study, small/medium/large)
participants needed for this
with alpha (.05) and power (80%) set