Power Flashcards
The reliance on diplomacy and negotiation to solve international problems
Soft power
Using a combination of coercion (hard power) with persuasion and attraction (soft power)
Smart power
A partial trade ban as a penalty for disobeying international law
Military capacity, ability to use it to achieve national interest objectives. Capacity depends on money, type and calibre of weapons, amount of servicemen, commitment, morale, relationship to state
Military power
Economic strength as measured by GDP/capita
Economic power
Power over ideas and beliefs that influences the actions in the international system
Structural power
Refers to a desirable and transportable culture that states can use to achieve ends that might not be achieved through military and political means. It is often linked to soft power and may influence regional relationships and international standing.
Cultural power
The ability of one actor to influence another actor or actors in a manner not of their choosing
Relational power
Power distribution with one global superpower
A power distribution with two major global powers
An international System in which there are several states or great powers of roughly equal strength or weight
An international Relations theory that stresses power balance and the need to prepare for war to get peace
An international Relations theory that stresses cooperation, democracy and international institutions as a way of building peace
The rising power of one state overtakes the role of the previous dominant power
Power transitioin
Power moving from all states to non-state actors
Power diffusion
When the political authority is accepted by those that it sets to rule
Ability of a state to govern its territory free from control of its internal affairs by other states
Territory of a state must be inhabited by people who live there 
Permanent population 
Agreed upon an internationally, respected borders 
Defined territory
Government must be the guarantor of last resort to ensure that the key needs of all are effectively met in society
Effective government
A political system, in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens, who can elect people to represent them 
All of the people entitled to vote in a given election
A state govern constitutionally as a unit without internal divisions, are a federalist delegation of powers
 unitary state
A group of states with the central government but independence in internal affairs
Also known as autocratic states, they concentrate, political power in a single individual or clique
Authoritarian state
Government ruled by a king or a queen
The government control be religious leaders
A relationship between countries in which they rely on one other for resources, goods or services
A system in which group of nations act, as one to preserve the peace of all
Collective security
Only example of this is the EU made up of states, but also has some powers that usually result in states
Hybrid international governmental organisation
Formal agreements between nations
A written plan that provides the basic framework of the government
Principle that the law applies to everyone, even those who govern
Rule of law
A body of rules that bind states, and other agents in world politics, and is considered to have the status of a law
International law
Domination of others
The regulation and coordination of transnational issue areas by nation-states, international and regional organisations and private agencies through the establishment of international regimes. This regimes may focus on problem-solving all the simple enforcement of rules and region regulations.
Global governance
A centralised world governing body with strong enforcement powers, not likely
World government
Multiple centres of influence
Between states with consensus, decision-making, and we enforcement
When states, NGOs, IGOs, multinational companies are involved
Mixed actor involvement
Authority above state level
Supra National authority
Organisation formed in 2002 to promote unity among African states and foster development and end poverty
African Union
An international organisation of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade various and increase corporation among its members
European Union
A 1949 defence alliance initiated by the US Canada and 10 Western European nations
NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
The principle of free movement of goods, services, capital and people within the EUs single market
Four Freedoms (EU)
Name for a conference held at Breton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944, the system provided the foundation for postwar economic globalisation, including the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, based on the promotion of free trades, stable currencies and high levels of capital investment
Bretton Wood system
International agreement first signed in 1947 at lower and trade barriers
GATT (general agreement on tariffs and trade)
Protectionist policy aimed at improving domestic growth can easily lead to trade war with neighbouring countries hurting growth
Welfare dilemma
Dilemma that arises when efforts that states make to defend themselves, cause other states to feel less secure. This dilemma can lead to arms, races and war, due to fear of being attacked.
Security dilemma
A parable that illustrates why can’t resources are less cared for than individual property
Tragedy of the commons
The only global international organisation dealing with the rules of trade between nations
WTO (World Trade Organisation)