Poverty and violence Flashcards
“ the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.”
Typology of violence (3)
1) self directed violence
2) interpersonal violence
3) collective violence
examples of self directed violence
self harm
interpersonal violence
a) family and intimate partner violence- crime against family members and intimate partners
b) Community violence- between individuals who are unrelated, generally taking place outside of the home
collective violence (3)
1) political- war related conflicts, state violence and similar acts carried out by larger groups
2) social- crimes of hate by organised groups, state violence and similar acts carried out by larger groups
3) economic- large attacks motivated by economic gain
structural violence
Effort to link biomedical understanding of disease and causation to history, social relations, political economy and structural factors which allowed her to die from preventable and treatable condition
Reframes the problem of poverty into an issue of violence
Aims to denounce the depoliticization of health and to mount a critique of the social forces that shorten the lives of the poor
e.g., living in a mouldy flat
nature of violent attacks
ivolving deprivation or neglect
general impact of violence
pshyical injuries
mental and emotional impact
employment and education
health behaviours- lack of exercise, increase in alcohol use
further violence
worsening health inequalities
risk factors for youth violence
male gender
neglect and abuse in childhood
poor family functioning
domestic violence in the home
living in high crime areas
alcohol consumption
social inequality
risk factors for intimate partner or sexual violence
female gender
younger age
lower household income
gender inequality
cultural norms that tolerate violence
how do you prevent violence
support families and parents
develop lifeskillsin children and young people
working with high risk youths and gangs
community interventions
changing social norms that support violence
identification, care and support