povedi Flashcards
v tej tocki se ne strinjam z vami
i disagree with you on this point
popolnoma se strinjam
i tottaly agree with you
preidimo k drugi tocki dnevnega reda
let’s move to the second item on the agenda
lahko nekaj predlagam
can i suggest something
beseda je vasa g. Brown
the floor is yours mr. Brown
sestanek je prelozen zaradi bolezni
the meeting is cancelled because of an illnes
sestanek je prelozen na 20. april
the meeting isput off to 20 april
kdo vodi danasnji sestanek
who is running today’s meeting
milism da nimate prav
i think you are wrong
ali si ze dobil zapisnik prejsnega sestanka
have you received the minutes of the previous meeting yet
kaksno je vase mnenje o predlogu
what is your opinion on the proposal
mislim da bi se morali pogovoriti o tekocih problemih
i think we should talk about current problems
njegov predlog je bil zavrnjen
his proposal was rejected
cas je potekel
time is up
who is responseble for the meeting
leade ( the person who arranges and leads the meeting)