Použitie slovesa ' byť ' - Use of the verb 'to be' Flashcards
Som zo Slovenska.
I am from Slovakia.
Notice that the personal pronoun ja (I) is not needed
Som z Ameriky.
I am from America.
Notice that the personal pronoun ja (I) is not needed
Kto je to?
Who is that/it?
Čo je to?
What is that/it?
Odkiaľ ste?
Where are you from?
- Formal (sg or pl)
- Informal (pl)
Odkiaľ si?
Where are you from? - Informal
To je jedno.
It doesn’t matter.
Ty si študent.
You are a student. - male
The personal pronoun ‘Ty’ here is not necessary.
Ty si študentka.
You are a student. - female
The personal pronoun ‘Ty’ here is not necessary.
Som z Kanady.
I’m from Canada.
To je všetko.
- That’s all
- That’s everything.
To je ťažké.
- That’s hard
- That’s heavy
To je dosť.
That’s enough.
On je študent.
He is a student
Sme študenti.
We are students.
Ste učitelia.
You (plural) are teachers.
Sú učitelia.
They are teachers.
Som v škole.
I’m in school.
Je doma.
He/She/It is at home.
Je dosť času.
There is enough time.
Je mi dobre.
I’m fine.
Je mi zle.
I’m sick.
Je mi horúco.
I’m warm/hot.
Je mi zima.
I’m cold.
Kde je to?
Where is it?
Je tu?
Is he/she/it here?
Som tu.
I am here.
Ste v poriadku?
Are you ok? - Formal (sg or pl) - Informal (pl)
Si v poriadku?
Are you ok? -Informal (sg)
Je niečo nové?
Any news?
literally - is something new?
Nie sme spokojní.
We are not satisfied.
Som rád.
I’m glad.
Said by a man
Som rada.
I’m glad.
Said by a woman.
Som v práci.
I’m at work.
To je moja vec.
That’s my business.
Literally- That is my thing.
To je problém.
That’s a problem.