potomac ministry Flashcards
List the three literary groups found in the Old Testament and tell how many books are in each group.
Historical narrative - 17 books
wisdom/poetry - 5 books
Prophetic - 17 books
How did the Lord precede judgment with mercy in the Genesis account of the Fall of Man?
By assuring ultimate victory to man through the woman’s seed
What did Joseph’s “coat of many colors” (the tunic fashioned by his father Jacob) designate him as?
Tribal chief
How much of the Pentateuch is devoted to the emancipation of Israel? How much of the Old Testament?
More than 1/6th
According to Exodus 9:16, what was the purpose of the plagues? According to Exodus 12:12, what was the purpose of the last plague?
To show Pharaoh on behalf of Israel how powerful their God was.
To bring judgement on all the gods of Egypt
What body of Scripture constitutes the introduction to the covenant given to Moses by the Lord at Sinai?
The Decalogue or ten commandments
What articles were placed inside the Ark of the Covenant?
Ten commandments
pot of manna
Aaron’s rod
During the wilderness wanderings, after the rebellion of Korah, Dothan, and Abiram, what miraculous sign reaffirmed Aaron’s divine appointment as priest of Israel?
Of the 12 rods, the rod of the levites produced buds, blossoms and almonds. the inscription of his name on it
What was the essence of the covenant between God and Israel?
Operative principle being love
What quotation from Judges 21:25 describes the condition of Israel throughout the period of the judges?
every man did that which was right in his own eyes
What two men are seen as marking the time of transition from the leadership of the judges to the rise of a monarchy?
Eli & Samuel
Unlike other rulers of their times, the kings of Israel were responsible for acknowledging the prophet who represented God. In what two ways did Israel’s first king, Saul, fail in this area?
Not waiting for Samuel to make the sacrifice.
After battling Amelikites he yielded to the people instead of killing them as he was instructed
What one project received more attention in the Biblical account of Solomon’s era than any other aspect of his reign?
Building and dedication of the temple
When the kingdom divided after the death of Solomon, what biblical designation is given for the “Northern Kingdom?” South Kingdom?
Northern kingdom - Isreal
Southern Kingdom - Judah
List the three most important dates of the divided kingdom and the significance of each
931 - Division of the kingdom
722- the fall of samaria
586- the fall of jerusalem
What two prophetic messages were delivered to Jeroboam I by the prophet Ahijah?
He was to rule over 10 of the 12 tribes.
that his son would pass away and disobedience would lead to end of his dynasty