Potentials Flashcards
CMA Statutory Audit Review exists to …
- Lack of competition
- Risk of audit failures (eg Carillion)
- Conflicts of interest
- Market concentration
CMA statutory audit review
- Mandatory joint audits
- Operational Separation
- Shareholder oversight
- Regulatory oversight
Use of experts
Auditor expert: possessing expertise in a field other than accounting or auditing, whose work in the field is used by the auditor to assist the auditor in obtaining sufficient appropriate evidence
Management expert: an individual or organization possessing expertise in a field other than accounting, whose work in that field is used by the entity to assist the entity
Asserting competence of experts
- Personal experience
- Discussions
- Discuss with others
- Professional qualifications
- Publications
Determining suitability of expert
- Technical knowledge and specializations
- Geographic locations
- Experience
- Reputation
- Past reliability
- Resources
- Independence
Key areas of corporate governance
- Leadership
- Effectiveness
- Accountability
- Remuneration
- Relation with shareholders
Issues with corporate governance
- dominant individuals (Sebastian and Robert)
- companies run in the interest of executive directors - high remuneration and share options
- ineffective internal controls
- inadequate risk management
Characteristics of non-executive directors
- understand underlying business
- relevant financial experience
- Articulate and take robust stand
- independent
- non-executive directors should be independent of the company
Briefly explain audit committees
- at least 3 independent non-executive directors
- one member has recent and relevant financial experience
- competencies relevant to sector
what are the role and responsibilities of audit committees
- Integrity of financial statements
- Internal financial controls and risk management reforms
- Internal audit
- Appointment, reappointment and removal of external auditors
- non - audit services
- whistleblowing arrangements
- report to the board
Limitation of scope audit reports
Except for (qualified)
- True an fair view apart from insufficient information in an area
- examples include individual books or records being destroyed
- insufficient evidence in a particular area of audit
- where the auditor is unable to form an opinion on the whole accounts because there is a lack of information
Emphasis of matter paragraph
- not strictly a qualification
- matters to be brought to the readers attention by auditors
- other matters
- to help clarify audit/ auditor resposinsibilities
Auditor requirements
- perform audit procedures to gain appropriate sufficient evidence
- identify adjustments needed/ appropriate reflection in FS
- new audit report if issues are amended by managers
Why commit fraud?
- opportunity
- pressure
- rationalization
Auditor’s responsibility fot fraud risk management
Auditors are responsible for assessing the risk of fraud
- maintain an attitude of professional scepticism
- obtain an understanding of the business
- assess the integrity of directors
- hold discussions with the audit clients
—- Directors
—- Others with relevant responsibilities
—- staff at lower levels
- perform analytical review at planning and completion stages of audit
If an auditor suspects or detects fraud…
- obtain further evidence
- inform management (unless it involves management)
-consider impact on financial statements and audit - seek legal advice
- determine impact on audit report
- disclosure to 3rd parties
Expectations Gap
- auditor obtains reasonable not absolute assurance
- issues opinion not fact
- reasonableness gap: what can auditors reasonably accomplish
- deficient standards gap (failure of framework)
- deficient performance gap (standards of performance met but duties not understood
Auditor Liability
- knowingly or recklessly include misleading, false or deceptive matters in an audit report
- engage in other offences eg money laundering, insider dealing etc
- Auditors may be liable under case law where they owe a duty of care
— negligence must be proved
— pecuniary loss must be suffered
— casual link between negligence and loss
— knew or ought to have known reliance was being placed in the statement
Auditor negligence
- not apply up to date accounting
- doesn’t adhere to standards of ethical behavior
- not aware of terms and conditions of appointment
- employ incompetent staff
- lack professional scepticism
KPMG quality control framework
Tone at the top (flowchart):
- timely review
- the right clients
- code of conducts and ethical standards
- performance of quality complicit in audits
Audit timings (audit strategy)
adopt a hard close control based audit
interim audit (8-9 months through)
- internal risk assessment (internal controls)
A hard close audit (10-11 months through)
- substantive audit work necessary to obtain reasonable assurance of transactions
Final Audit (1 month after)
- substantive test of work since hard close audit
Statutory accounts (1-2 months after)
- review the final financial statements
- including disclosures required
- Issue audit opinion
Audit Technology