Potentially Life-threatening Chest Injuris Found in 2° Survey Flashcards
Ruptured diaphragm is more often diagnosed on the____side, as ____ conceals
_____ side defect
Pulmonary Contusion
Etiology and pathophysiology
Blunt trauma to chest
Interstitial edema impairs compliance and gas exchange
Pulmonary Contusion
CXR: areas of opacification of
lung within 6 h of trauma
Pulmonary Contusion Management
Maintain adequate ventilation Monitor with ABG, pulse oximeter, and ECG Chest physiotherapy Positive pressure ventilation if severe
Ruptured Diaphragm Physical Exam
Blunt trauma to chest or abdomen (e.g. high lap belt in MVC)
Ruptured Diaphragm Investigations
CXR: abnormality of diaphragm/lower lung fields/ NG tube placement CT scan and endoscopy: sometimes helpful for diagnosis
Ruptured Diaphragm Management
Laparotomy for diaphragm
repair and associated intraabdominal injuries
Esophageal Injury
etiology and sign
Usually penetrating trauma (pain
out of proportion to degree of
Esophageal Injury
CXR: mediastinal air (not
Esophagram (Gastrograffin®)
Flexible esophagoscopy
Esophageal Injury Management
Early repair (within 24 h) improves outcome but all require repair
Aortic Tear
Site of tearing, prognosis
90% tear at subclavian (near ligamentum arteriosum), most die at scene Salvageable if diagnosis made rapidly
Aortic Tear, Etiologies, Physical Exam
Sudden high speed deceleration (e.g. MVC, fall, airplane crash), complaints of chest pain, dyspnea, hoarseness (frequently absent) Decreased femoral pulses, differential arm BP (arch tear)
Aortic Tear Investigations
CXR, CT scan,
transesophageal echo,
aortography (gold standard
Aortic Tear Management
Thoracotomy (may treat other severe injuries first)
Blunt Myocardial Injury
(rare) Physical Exam
Blunt trauma to chest (usually in setting of multi-system trauma and therefore difficult to diagnose)
Physical exam: overlying injury
e.g. fractures, chest wall contusion
Blunt Myocardial Injury Investigations
ECG: dysrhythmias, ST
Patients with a normal ECG and normal hemodynamics
never get dysrhythmias
Blunt Myocardial Injury
(rare) Management
Antidysrhythmic agents