Potential Concept Qs Flashcards
Protein estimations
400 AA
40 kDa
Lifetime (human cells) - 2 days
E. coli - 106 proteins in cell
Cell estimations
≥ 3 orders of magnitude larger than proteins
Human cells - 10um
Human genome - 1m
Lifetime - up to 4 orders of magnitude longer than typical protein
Upregulation of protein expression
Hours to days
mRNA lifetime
Half life (human cells) - hours
How big is a cell?
E. coli - 1um
Yeast - 5um
Animal - up to 100um, ish
How crowded is the cytoplasm?
E. coli - ~1010 C atoms per cell
~5nm between proteins
An E.coli is 1 um in diameter and 1um3 in volume but contains around 106 proteins. Proteins are on average 5nm in diameter and about 3 orders of magnitude smaller than a cell. The average distance between proteins is 5nm. This does not take into account molecules like mRNA, filamentous cytoskeletal elements, organelles, etc… This, the cytoplasm is a highly crowded and dynamic environment, with different molecules and structures moving and interacting with each other in complex ways.
What causes diffusion?
Brownian motion - random movement of particles
Einstein - results from collision of atoms
Diffusion is caused by the kinetic energy of the molecules resulting in random Brownian motion. It is driven by the random thermal motion and collisions of molecules.
Maximizes entropy
Isolated system will move towards macroscopic state with the highest entropy
What is a diffusion coefficient and what determines this value for a molecule?
Rate of diffusion is affected by the concentration gradient, membrane permeability, temperature, pressure, size & shape of the cell, presence of membrane proteins or other structures that can facilitate or inhibit diffusion. Diffusion occurs spontaneously and does not require energy input. It is driven by the random thermal motion of the molecules, which leads them to move from areas of high concentration to areas of lower concentration to achieve a uniform distribution of the molecules.
Diffusion coefficient (D)
is a measure of the movement of molecules in a substance (or in and out of the cell) due to diffusion.
Factors that affect diffusion coefficient:
-Viscosity of cytoplasmic fluid
-Collisions with other molecules
-Binding affinity for other molecules
Bacteria are small cells without membrane-bound organelles, but they are not just well-mizedbags of proteins. Describe two mechanisms bacteria use to control protein localization patterns.
Diffusion to capture:
Diffusion to capture
the spatial patterning of a molecule depends on the spatial localization of its receptor, so based on pre-patterned receptors. Structure is a competition between enthalpy and entropy. With a low concentration of the loans, the entropic cost of binding to a receptor is high. While in a high concentration of a ligand, the entropic cost is low and the energy released in binding (enthalpy reward) is worth the entropic cost.
mechanism in which spatiotemporal patterns emerge from the amplification of random fluctuation. They result in spontaneous pattern formation. For example, FtsZ is restricted to midplane by reaction-diffusion:
MinD dimerizes and binds to the membrane (ATPase binding to the plane); it recruits MinC, which prevents Ftsz binding to the membrane ⇒ MinE replaces MinC and binds to MinD ⇒ initiates hydrolysis reaction removing MinD+MinE off the membrane ⇒ creates oscillation of MinD and MinE from one pole to the other in the cell.
Diffusion time equation
Τ=x^2 /6D
x is distance, D is diffusion coefficient
Why might it be advantageous for neurons to perform local translation in the axon terminal?
Allows for neurotransmitter release: neurotransmitter release is a rapid process that needs the synthesis of new proteins on demand which local translation satisfies.
Lower energetic costs: doesn’t rely on the transport of the protein from the cell body which can be slow and energy-intensive and prevent ectopic presence of proteins in other parts of the cell during protein transport.
Allows subcellular localization of proteins: mRNAs can be targeted to different subcellular localizations using “address” information in their untargeted regions.
Time scale - depending on length of axon. Would take longer to diffuse from soma to axon than a protein’s half life
What is kinesin?
Kinesin is a biological motor protein that converts the energy released by ATP hydrolysis to mechanical energy and moves via a power stroke (1um/second). Kinesin transports cargo such as proteins, vesicles, organelles, etc… along microtubules towards the positive end (Karry out). It has motor domains that bind to MT and a cargo carrying domain that binds to the cargo.
In brief, how was kinesis discovered?
Ron Vale
Myosin-coated beads move along actin filaments (Spudich and Sheetz)
–> Is myosin responsible for active transport in axons?
Injected myosin-coated beads into squid axons
–> Control moved but myosin-coated didn’t
In vitro reconstitution
–> MTs, ATP, membrane organelles → no movement so membranes don’t have motor bounds;
–> MTs + ATP + membrane organelles + soluble proteins
–>MTs + ATP + soluble proteins
The motor protein bound to the glass in place of the cargo and moved the MTs. Then he used column chromatography to isolate the soluble proteins that helped MTs move.
In vitro motility assay
Column chromatography with soluble proteins
Discovered kinesin
How is the microtubule network organized in interphase versus mitosis
During interphase the centrosome is located near the nucleus and microtubules extend outward to the cell periphery. The centrosome anchors the minus ends of the microtubules.
During mitosis, the duplicated centrosomes separate and microtubules reorganize to form the mitotic spindle. MTs emanate from two centrosomes on either side of the cell, their plus ends directed toward each other. Mts also emanate from chromosome kinetochores resulting in a biased search and capture.
what are the molecular mechanisms underlying these for MT network in interphase vs mitosis organization patterns? - interphase mechanism
Mechanism for Interphase: microtubules are tubulin heterodimers that assemble into 13 protofilaments (MT tube-like structure). The underlying mechanism for interphase MT organization is dynamic instability. MT polymerizes when the rate of polymerization (assembling of tubulin heterodimers) outpaces the rate of GTP hydrolysis (called rescue with GTP cap). During stochastic fluctuation, if the rate of GTP hydrolysis catches up with the rate of polymerization → then you lose the GTP cap at the plus which leads to a catastrophic event.
–> Alpha-tubulin and Beta-tubulin bind to GTP, and GTP at the alpha-tubulin is trapped between two tubulin subunits, so GTP cannot be exchanged or hydrolyzed.
what are the molecular mechanisms underlying these for MT network in interphase vs mitosis organization patterns? - mitosis mechanism
Mechanism for Mitosis: Microtubules polymerize from the centrosomes and from the chromosome. MT polymerization at the centrosome is facilitated by the dynamic instability described previously. MT polymerizes near chromosome chromosomes via molecular mechanism underlying biased search and capture involving RanGTP.
—- >There is a high local concentration of RanGEFs near the choromossme that activates RanGTPase near the chromosome. RanGAP diffuses around the cell, inactivating RanGTP (that has diffused away from the kinetochore region). This results in RanGTPase being activated only near the kinetochores (not necessarily on it). Active RanGTP near the chromosome recruits -TURC, which nucleated polymerization near the kinetochore. Thus MTs nucleate at the kinetochores, and dyneins ride along them. When the MTs from the kinetochore “bump” into MTs nucleated from the centrosome, dyneins walk towards the “negative end” which is the centrosome. This results in bundles of antiparallel MTs.
Microtubules exhibit “dynamic instability”. What does that mean
Microtubule dynamic instability is driven by GTP hydrolysis. Mts rapidly grow with a GTP cap or GTP-tubulin dimers at their plus end, because they can form a straight protofilament. GTP hydrolysis causes a conformational change in the subunit and weakens the binding affinity in the polymer, causing the protofilament to become curved. So loss of the GTP cap results in rapid shrinkage.
Dynamic instability is also regulated by microtubule-associated proteins, such as MAPs that stabilize MTs and TIPS that link plus ends with other structures.
Dynamic instability refers to the ability of microtubules to assemble and disassemble (at a constant rate) at the plus end only. The continuous switch between growth and shrinkage is known as dynamic instability. In contrast, treadmilling occurs when one end polymerizes while the other end depolymerizes.
how is MT dynamic instability important for chromosome segregation during mitosis?
Dynamic instability facilitates a biased search and capture. During mitosis, the plus end of MTs emanating from the centrosomes switch polymerizing to rapidly depolymerizing. After catastrophe, MTs re-grow in a different direction until it binds to a kinetochore which stabilizes the MT plus end (by dynein walking towards the centrosome along the MT emanate by the centrosome??). Mts keep growing and shrinking until all kinetochores are captured. This dynamic instability allows the MT to search the cell for kinetochores.
Actin filaments interact to form larger structures in cells. Name at least two of these structures and briefly describe what determines whether the actin network forms one structure versus the other.
Filopodia (fcn as antennae to probe environment) formed by core of long, bundled actin filaments. Lamellipodia (cell locomotion) formed by cross-linked mesh of actin filaments.
How does the actin polymerization motor contribute to cell migration, and how do migrating cells keep this motor running? Pt A
Actin polymerization drives treadmilling which generates a force that pushes against the cell membrane and drives cell motility. Actin density is graded so that there are more actin filaments at the center of the leading edge. Because actin density is highest, the force exerted by the membrane (due to entropic penalty with stretching the membrane) per filament is low and actin rapidly polymerizes and produces protrusive forces. Filament density decreases towards the cell sides, so the force back from the cell membrane per filament is high and polymerization is stalled, which creates retraction at the trailing edge. The subcellular differences in actin polymerization allow for overall forward movement.
How does the actin polymerization motor contribute to cell migration, and how do migrating cells keep this motor running? pt B
Molecular clutch model explains how migrating cells keep the motor running. Adhesions bind to the actin network, which opposes the myosin pull and prevents the inward flow at the leading edge. This allows actin polymerization to drive protrusion on the cell membrane.
What are nucleosomes, and how do they affect transcription?
Positively charged histones are electrostatically attracted to negatively charged DNA and tightly associate to form nucleosomes.
DNA winds around the histone complex 2.5 turns which is around 150 bps.
A transcription regulator will bind with 20 times less affinity if its cis-regulatory sequence is near the end of a nucleosome and 200-fold less affinity if its in the middle of a nucleosome.