Potent Potables Flashcards
Who was the father of alchemy?
“Books are in the temple.”
Bolos of Mendes, whose life remains shrouded in obscurity. Jack Lindsay, whose work on early alchemy remains unsurpassed, believed Bolo’s compilations and writings united the main threads of earlier alchemy into the form in which it existed for many centuries.
Bolos himself, wrote that he studied alchemy with a master named Ostanes, who died before revealing the full nature of the work. Bolos evoked the spirit of the dead Ostanes in a magical ritual. Though he was successful in summoning the spirit of his teacher, the guardians of the dead would not let Ostanes speak. He managed to say only that “books are in the temple.”
The single formula of alchemy:
A nature is delighted by another nature, a nature conquers another nature, a nature dominates another nature.
What is a “bath of Marie”?
Water bath, used to heat things slowly, or keep something heated.
Define “ceteris paribus.”
“All other things being equal.”
Define “menhir.”
A menhir (French, from Middle Breton: maen, “stone” and hir, “long”[1]), standing stone, orthostat, lith or masseba/matseva is a large upright standing stone. Menhirs may be found singly as monoliths, or as part of a group of similar stones. Their size can vary considerably, but their shape is generally uneven and squared, often tapering towards the top. Menhirs are widely distributed across Europe, Africa and Asia, but are most numerous in Western Europe; in particular in Ireland, Great Britain and Brittany. There are about 50,000 megaliths in these areas,[2] while there are 1,200 menhirs in northwest France alone.[3] Standing stones are usually difficult to date, but pottery found underneath some in Atlantic Europe connects them with the Beaker people.
Who ran the 1st experimental Psych Lab? Where? 3 students? What year?
Wilhelm Wundt. Univ. of Leipzig. Kraepelin Cattell G. Stanley Hall 1879.
Who founded the 1st American experimental Psych lab at Johns Hopkins in 1883?
G. Stanley Hall.
Who was awarded the 1st Doctorate in Psychology (and later became president of the American Psychological Association)?
Joseph Jastrow.
Who founded the APA? In what year?
G. Stanley Hall. 1892.
Where and in what year and by whom was the first Psychological Clinic (in the US?) founded?
Lightner Witmer.
As opposed to FUNCTIONALISM, STRUCTURALISM as defined in his OUTLINE OF PSYCHOLOGY (1896) seeks to identify basic elements of consciousness, where the content of mind, all mental experiences can be understood as a combination of simple elements or events.
Edward Bradford TICHENER.
This man is known for Functionalism in Psychology, late 19th century, focuses on Acts/Functions of the mind, rather than internal business.
William James.
“The Reflex Arc Concept in Psychology.”
John Dewey.
Freud wrote how many books?
1st female president of APA. Wellesley, 1904.
Mary Calkins.
Who came up with IQ tests? In what year?
Alfred Binet. Theodore Simon. 1905.
Who wrote Animal Intelligence in 1892?
George Romanes.
Who had 6 stages of moral reasoning?
What is melissophobia?
fear of bees.
who wrote of the theory of learned helplessness?
martin seligman.
three members of the blackeyed peas:
will.i.am, TABOO, Fergie
the smiths, the fall, and new order were all from…
Manchester, UK
fireball, destroyer, and lick it up are albums by…
faith and pornography are albums by…
the cure.
the fame, born this way, artpop albums by…
lady gaga.
who was in run dmc?
run, dmc, and jam master jay (???)
amount of matter in an object is called
the measurement of the effect of gravity on an object.
standard unit of mass
amount of space occupied by matter
normal temp, for humans, in celsius:
37 C
how many centimeters in an inch?
how many minutes in a year?
prefix for 10^3
prefix for 10^6
prefix for 10^9
prefix for 10^12
prefix for 10^-3
prefix for 10^-6
prefix for 10^-9
prefix for 10^-12
prefix for 10^-15
Who was the first king of the israelites and who anointed him.
Saul was 1st king.
Samuel was prophet:judge that anointed him.
Greek god of cunning and wisdom.
How was her daughter born
Born out of zeus’s head.
Metis is the god if wisdom / cunning.
At troy with trojan horse, the king of troy was…
He was warned by whom
Cassandra his daughter.
Laocoon who threw a spear at it and it moaned and then a god killed himm
Hector killed ____
____ killed Hector; got killed by _____.
Chinese philosopher who argued that the universe is no more than a manifestation of one’s mind.
Lived among the poor, despite offers to workin government.
Shao K’ang Chieh
In what story does Sherlock Holmes find himself outwitted by Irene Adler?
Scandal in Bohemia.
What author of “born free” was initially believed to have been mauled to death by a lion?
Joy Adamson.
What was the name of the first successfully returned capsule from space station by spaceX?
The Davis strait separates which two islands , each among the world’s largest islands?
Greenland and Baffin Island.
What city’s people are known as Portenos, or “people of the port”?
Buenos Aires.
What is the name of that building that looks like a model atom in Brussels?
The Atomium
_______ Reeks is a mountain range in Ireland.
MacGillycuddy’s Reeks.
Towering over the Ricer Our valley, Vianden Castle is in which country?
It’s the largest palace in Berlin commissioned by Sophie Charlotte at end of 17th century
Charlottenburg Palace.
Mainland europe’s southernmost point.
Point Tarifa.
New lands Cricket Ground is in which South African city?
Cape Town.
Robinson Crusoe may have been inspired by the time Alexander Selkirk spent on these islands.
Juan Fernandez.
Used for filming parts of Monty Python’s Life of Brian El-Jem is an amphitheater in which country
Dal Lake is known as the “Jewel in the crown of _____”
What is unusual about the Newfoundland
Webbed feet.
On an automobile tire marked with the size “P235/75R15 what is 235
Tread width.
Asia contains approximately what percentage of the earth’s population.
The Lofoten Islands belong to which country?
Who painted the Feast of Venus
Peter Paul Rubens.
Who is famous for painting George Washington.
Gilbert Stuart
What English artist painted “the blue boy” in 1770?
Thomas Gainsborough
A trip to Tuscany in Italy, convinced Diego Rivera that what large form was the future of art?
What city is sometimes called Athens of the North.
What capital city sits opposite Buenos Aires on the River Plate.
Where are the Petronas Twin Towers located?
Kuala Lumpur
Last Chance Gulch is the Main Street in this Montana capital.
Long Island is not only in New York City. This group of islands has one as well.
Located in Cambodia, and initially Hindu, then a Buddhist temple complex, this is the largest religious monument in the world.
Angkor Wat.
The largest atoll of Kiribati is named for which day of the year.
Estate in San Simeon, CA was lived in by silent actress Marion Davies.
Heart Castle.
St John’s is the capital of what Canadian province?
The bridge over the small canal connecting with the side of the Venetian Doge’s Palace is called what?
Bridge of Sighs.
Swedish town at the center of the Hanseatic League in the Baltic.
Famous resort on the Yucatan peninsula.
What famous structure is 553.33 meters high?
CN Tower.
Where in Croatia can u find one of only six remaining Roman colosseums?
The George Washington Bridge from New Jersey to Manhattan crosses which river?
What London landmark is a Ferris wheel.
London eye.
America’s last remaining paddle steamer on show in Vermont is called what?
SS Ticonderoga.
Alessandro Lukashenko became president of this country in 1994 and its currency is the ruble.
Which city was named the “Silicon Valley on the Baltic Sea” by the New York Times?
Capital of Latvia.
Koreans insist that what sea to their east be known as the East Sea?
Sea of Japan
Where will u find the Great Barrier Reef?
Pacific Ocean, near Australia?
Kevin McCarthy was recently chosen to replace whom as house majority leader?
Eric Cantor.
Japanese word for “treating people the way you’d want to be treated.”