Potassium channels Flashcards
What is the basic structure of a potassium channel?
- Four similar protein subunits come together to form a single por for potassium permeation
Describe the nature, structure and role of “A-type” K+ channels
Nature of current:
- activated when membrane of the cell starts to depolarise
- after activation the current rapidly declines because channel inactivates quicky due to ball and chain mechnaism
- Some experiments now suggest that although the ball region interacts with the channel pore, it may induce a channel conformational change, rather than having a plugging mechanism
- In either case, residues forming part of the channel pore interact with the protein’s N-terminal region
- Peak of current gets bigger as potential inside cell increases as more channels open and there is also a greater force driving potassium out of the cell
- each subunt contains six helical membrane-spanning regions (S1-6)
- Fourth transmembrane element contains positive charges –> voltage sensor
- Pore formed by S5 and S6 (P-loop connects them)
- P-loop contains signature sequence (TXGYGD) –> glycine residues always conserved but there are a number of variations in this sequence
- Translates intensity to frequency
- At relatively negative potentials type A become activated (after repolarisation and closure of delayed rectifiers)
- i.e. they open in response to the stimulus before the cell reaches its action potential threshold :.exerts hyperpolarising effect
- effect transient due to rapid inactivation
- the bigger the stimulus the faster it overcomes the ‘A’ current and hence more frequent action potential
- ‘A’ type channels recover from their inactivation when the cell membrane potential becomes strongly hyperpolarised again (by delayed rectifier channels)
Describe the nature, structure and function of delayed rectifiers
- activates more slowly than ‘A’ type channels and only inactivates after depolarisation after many seconds
- S1-S6 with P loop and voltage sensor
- helps reset the membrane potential following an action potential
- current is always larger at positive potentials than at negative potentials
- there is a delay following membrane depolarisation before the current appears
Describe the nature, structure and function of inward rectifiying channels (Kir)
- Increased with hyperpolarisation
- inward current is higher than outward current because the channel is being blocked by Mg and positively charged intracellular polyamines such as spermine and spermidine
- Strong rectifiers; will not affect AP much but can set rest potential
- Weak rectifiers; can set resting potential also decreases the length of an AP as more potassium can come out
- help set resting potential
- some inhibited by ATP (KATP) and associated with a second type of protein called sulfonylurea (SURs)
- others coupled to G proteins and responsible for slowing heart rate (KACh)
- More recently: Kir KO in endothelial cell decreased endothelial dependent vasodilation
- Two membrane spanning elements (M1 and M2)
- Pore between them
Describe the nature, structure and funcition of two pore potassium channnels
- Leak type currents
- Did not activate or inactive with changing membrane potential
- Able to open at all potentials
- More current flows in the outward direction and recently this has been shown to be due to the ion permeation pathway itself
- Weakly outward rectifying
- Activated by pH changes and membrane stretch following cell volume changes
- Also activated by volatile anaesthetics
- TRESK –> mutated in inherited form of migraine
- Look like two inward rectifiers sewn together
- Four membrane spanning domains and two pore loops (M1-M2, M3-M4)
- There is also a cap region which forms the above channel pore so K+ ions have to enter under the cap from the sid
- Both P loops contribute to functional pore :.only two subunits needed to form this channel
Describe the nature, structure and function of BKCa channels
- becomes more active as the membrane is depolarised or as intracellular calcium rises
- Often acts as a negative feedback element in reponse to raised intracellular calcium
- E.g. at certain synaptic terminals the channel is activated by the membrane depolarisation and subsequent influx of calcium which trigger NT release
- The activation of BKCa channels thus helps to repolarise the membrane and turn off calcium channels, ending a cycle of exocytosis
- Six TM
- Additional S0 element
- Very extended C region
- C region contains two RCK domains
- RCK2 has string of AA containining many negative charges forming a “calcium bowl” which cradles a calcium ion in the crystal structure of this region
Describe the nature, structure and function of SKCa channels
- NOT activated by voltage (unlike BKCa)
- Start to open only in response to calcium
- 6 TM
- S4 NOT have all the positive charges associated with S4 region of voltage gated channels
- Sometimes provide “after-hyperpolarisation” following influx of calcium that occurs during action potential
- NMDA receptor activity regulation and hence formation of memory –> Ca2+ influx through synaptic NMDA receptors can activate SK channels which then hyperpolarise the cell and thus restore Mg block of the NMDA receptor
- SK channels also appear to have very important roles in endothelial cells and in cardiac tissue (where they regulate blood pressure and cardiac rhythm)
Describe the structure, function and nature of IKCa channels
- relative of SKCa (6TM with few charged residues in S4)
- Causes reduction in RBC volume as potassium ions are lost from the cell along with chloride ions and water
What is the calcium activating mechanism for IKCa and SKCa?
- Mediated by a calmodulin molecule constituvely bound to the intracellular C-terminal segment of the protein
- Sometimes referred as beta subunit
Describe the nature, structure and function of sodium activaed potassium channels
- Slack and Slick form subunit for this channel
- Activated by increased intracellular levels of sodium
- Closest relative is BKCa
- Large conductance
- Two RCK domains at C terminal
- NO calcium bowl
- S1-S6
- Protective role in event of ischaemia
- Intracellular sodium concentration increases as a result of inhibition of the Na/K ATPase
- Current produced tends to be inwardly rectifying
Name and describe KATP channel openers
- Diazoxide - hypertension
- Nicorandil - prevention and treatment of angina
- Glibenclamide - target KNDP in smooth muscle
- Cromakalim - target KNDP in smooth muscle - lowers blood pressure w/o big effect on blood glucose (unlike diazoxide)
- Minoxidil - hypertension –> potent, long-lasting vasodilator –> causes reflex tachycardia and fluid retention :. administered with beta blocker and diuretic :.used in patients with severe hypertension resistant to other drugs –> used in male pattern baldness
SE: headache
Describe KATP channel blockers
- Glibenclamide and tolbutamide are SURs and act via the suplhonylurea receptor subunt of KATP channels
- Block pancreatic B-cell and produce similar effects of raised intracellular ATP
- Leads to increase in cell excitability and promotes secretionof insulin
- Treatment for mild forms of type 2 diabetes
Describe some BKCa openers
- Soyasaponins activate BKCa channels
- Dehyrdrosoyasaponins I require presence of BKCa channel beta subunits for activity
- Leads to increased channel open probability
- Other BKCa openers: MaxiKdiol
- Developed with intention of treating conditions such as urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, asthma and stroke
- None have reached beyond phase III
Describe some SKCa enhancers
In some rat models of epilepsy drugs that enhance the activity of SKCa channels have proved effective in stopping epileptic discharge patterns
- they do not open channels
- prolong/enhance activation by calcium
- appear to bind at the interface between calmodulin and the channels :. difficulty in getting a selective drug due to sequence similiarity of this region
Treatment: hypertension as modulation of SKCa expression level in mice affects both arterial tone and blood pressure