Postural Assessments Flashcards
Posterior View of Kinetic Chain
Foot/ankle: Heels are straight and parallel, not overly pronated
Knees: neutral position, not adducted or abducted
LPHC: Pelvis is level with both posterior superior iliac spines in same transverse plane
Shoulders/scapulae: level, not elevated or protracted (medial borders essentially parallel and approximately 3 to 4 inches apart)
Head: neutral position, neither tilted nor rotated
Lateral view of kinetic chain
Foot/ankles: Neutral position, leg vertical at right angle to sole of foot
Knees: Neutral position, not flexed nor hyperextended
LPHC: Pelvis neutral position, not anteriorly (lumbar extension) or posteriorly (lumbar flexion) rotated
Shoulder: normal kyphotic curve, not excessively rounded
Head: Neutral position, not in excessive extension(“jutting” forward)
Anterior View of Kinetic chain
foot/ankles: Straight and parallel, not flattened or externally rotated
Knees: In line with toes, not adducted or abducted
LPHC: Pelvis level with both anterior superior iliac spines in same transverse plane
Shoulders: Level, not elevated or rounded
Head: Neutral position, not tilted nor rotated
Kinetic Chain Checkpoints
Foot and ankle knee lumbo-pelvic-hip complex shoulders head and cervical spine
Overhead squat assessments
Procedure/ position
client stand with the feet shoulders-width apart and pointed straight ahead. foot and ankle complex should be in a neutral position. shoes off for better view if you can.
client raises arms overhead, with elbows fully extended. Arm should bisect the torso.
squat roughly the height of a chair seat and return to starting position. repeat the movement for 5 reps, observing from each position (anterior and lateral)
Views: from the front do the feet, ankles, and knees should remain straight - knees tracking in line with foot.
From the side the LPHC, shoulder, and cervical complex should be parallel with the tibia - arms also stay in line with torso
Compensations anterior view: Do the feet flatten and/or turn out
do the knees move inward (adduct and internally rotate)
Compensations Lateral View: does the lower back arch, does the torso lean forward excessively
Purpose of overhead squat assessment
assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control
Purpose of single leg squat assessment
assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control
Knee valgus (knock-knees) during overhead squat test is influenced by:
decreased hip abductor and hip external rotation strength, increased hip adductor activity, and restricted ankle dorsiflexion - alterations in joint motion, muscle activation, and overall neuromuscular control
Knee valgus during single leg squat test is influenced by:
decreased hip abductor and hip external rotation strength, increased hip adductor activity, and restricted ankle dorsiflexion - alterations in joint motion, muscle activation, and overall neuromuscular control
Single Leg Squat Assessment
Position - stand with hands on hips and eyes focused on an object straight ahead; foot should be pointed straight ahead, the foot, ankle, and knee and lphc should be in a neutral position.
Movement - client squat to a comfortable level and return to starting position; perform 5 reps
Views: from the front the knee should track in line with the foot 2nd and 3rd toes
Compensation - does the knee move inward (adduct and internally rotate)
Pushing assessment
Position - stand with abdomen drawn inward, feet in a split stance and toes pointing forward.
Movement - viewing from the side, instruct client to press handles forward and return to starting position; perform up to 20 repetitions in a controlled fashion 2/0/2 (two out, no hold, two in) the lumbar and cervical spines should remain neutral while the shoulders stay level.
Compensations - low back: does it arch
shoulders - do they elevate
head - does it migrate forward
Pulling assessment
Position - stand with abdomen drawn inward, feet in a split stance and toes pointing forward.
Movement - viewing from the side, instruct client to pull handles toward the body and return to starting position; perform up to 20 repetitions in a controlled fashion 2/0/2 (two out, no hold, two in) the lumbar and cervical spines should remain neutral while the shoulders stay level.
Compensations - low back: does it arch
shoulders - do they elevate
head - does it migrate forward