Postural Assessment Flashcards
Use of postural assessment
- Overall observation
- Gathering info
- Monitor progress
- Positional changes
Procedure for posturalA
Explain to client, observe body in 3 diff position (ant, latx2, post),
Plumb line aligned to patient, perform from feet upwards, orthotics (first with device in, and then without, record device), in habitual, relaxed standing posture, record results
Factors affecting posture
Bone: ligament laxity, pelvic angles, position of jt+mobility, bony contours
Neurogenic inflow/outflow thru int
Muscle: hypertonic muscle, fascial restriction (nerve imping), tonus of muscle passive and cont contraction) - paralysis/atrophy,
evb fmna
structural factor of poor posture
Leg length discrepancy, scoliosis, hemivertebrae, pes planus
Postural factors of poor posture
poor habit{slouching}, muscle imbalance {spasm}, pain, age {osteoperosis}, respiratory {asthma}, excess weight, peer pressure {hide height via slouching}, assistive device {cane}
Anterior view - posturalA vertical landmarks
between the feet, pubis symphysis, umbilicus, xiphoid, suprasternal notch, nasal bones
Anterior view - posturalA horizontal landmarks
*Foot angle (slight outward),
malleoli (med. malleoli slight ant to lat, lat more inferiorly),
Level: fibular head, ASIS, iliac crest, shoulders (symmetrical level)
Lateral view - posturalA Vertical Ldmk
Ant. to lat. malleolus Fibular head Greater trochanter Acromium Bodies of cervical vertebrae External auditory meatus
Lateral view - posturalA Horizontal Ldmk
*Pelvic angle (normal - 8 to 30 degrees lvl)
Knee (flex), chest, spine curvature
Posterior view - PosturalA Vertical Ldmk
Between the feet
S2 - center of gravity is ant.
C7 - prom. in spine
Inion - Ext. occ. prot
Posterior view - posturalA Horizontal Ldmk
Straight or angled?: Heels, achilles tendon,
Level: popliteal fossa, gluteal fold, PSIS, spine of scapula/inferior angles, shoulder
Midline: Head
Pain assessment - Characterize in terms of (3)
Area (where it is/perceived to be located), nature (quality{sharp, dull, hot, etc.}), behavior (when better or worse)
Pain is a ____ of ___ and ____ experiences
Nociception is { }, choose: subjective/objective. May or may not lead to a _______ of pain
combination of subjective and objective experience
Transmission of noxious stimuli from tissue to brain (objective), perception
Degrees of pain (3):
Acute: 48-72 hrs (unbearable, early), Sub Acute: 3Days-3Mths (be cautious using this decree), Chronic 3 mths+
Tissue type pain (3)
Dermatomic: superficial soft tissues, localized
Radicular pain: nerve roots, shooting electric, dermatomal pattern
Sclerotomic: deep somatic tissues, poorly localized, aching (kidney stone, menstrual cramp)