Postop Care of the Cardiac Surgery Patient Flashcards
What monitoring, labs, and imaging are needed immediately postop cardiac CPB surgery?
Continuous ECG, pulse ox, art line.
12 lead ECG w/ pacemaker off (new q-waves are assd w/ 5-yr cardiac mortality).
CXR (confirm ETT, CVL, pulm art cath, circ support position).
CTbs to suction.
ABG, CBC, coags, lytes. +/- lactate and LFTs.
HoB 30 degrees.
When have pulm art catheters been found to be most useful (postop cardiac care)?
EF < 30%, R heart failure, pulm HTN, heart and/or lung txp.
Vent mgmt postop cardiac CPB surgery?
Extubation within 6 hrs.
Watch for restrictive physiology, pulm edema, poor lung compliance, atelectasis. Phrenic or RLN injury.
Start at 100%, PEEP 5, 14 rate w/ volume 8 ml/kg of predicted bw. Adjust w/ initial ABG.
Pressure support seems to have fewer failed extubations w/ 30 min SBT.
RSBI <80.
What is an issue with reversing NM blockade early in postop cardiac surgery patients who required bypass?
If the patient is cold (< 35.5 degrees), it can lead to uncontrolled shivering.
What are sequelae and postop manifestations of aortic cannulation and clamping?
Atheroembolism and aortic dissection - stroke, splanchnic embolization, organ ischemia.
What are sequelae and postop manifestations of R atrial cannulation?
Atrial wall injury - bleeding arrhythmias.
What are sequelae and postop manifestations of femoral artery cannulation?
Distal leg ischemia, vascular trauma, retrograde aortic perfusion - muscle injury and necrosis, compartment syndrome, hematoma, need for vascular repair, lymphocele, retrograde embolism, cerebral hypoxemia, L ventricular distention.
What are sequelae and postop manifestations of high-dose heparin?
Coagulopathy and HIT.
What are sequelae and postop manifestations of crystalloid priming of CPB circuit?
Hemodilution - volume overload, dilutional anemia, dilutional coagulopathy.
What are sequelae and postop manifestations of the extracorporeal circuit in CPB?
Complement activation, fibrinolysis, systemic inflammation, microvascular hypoperfusion, microemboli - coagulopathy, vasoplegia, hypotension, AKI, mesenteric ischemia, stroke
How do the myocardium and ventricles function after cardiac operations?
Myocardial depression and ventricular dysfunction are the rules. Monitor and control output - rate, contractility, preload, afterload.
What are reasonable hemodynamic goals on CPB?
MAP 60-90.
Adjust higher for patients with HTN, CKD, older age, stroke.
Adjust lower in pts w/ poor ventricular function, mitral repair, and bleeding.
What’s a goal for stroke volume variation postop cardiac surgery?
Can guide volume responsiveness. Goal < 13%. Can use FloTrac. Most validated for pts w/ NSR on full mechanical ventilation.
When is the ideal moment for CVP measurement (postop cardiac surgery care)?
End expiration (when pleural P = atm P) and right before ventricular contraction (correlates most closely w/ end diastolic pressure and preload - the target of estimation).
On CVP tracing, when is the moment before ventricular contraction?
This occurs at the peak of the c-wave.