Postmodernism Key Terms Flashcards
Duality of structure
Notion that people both make society and are strongly influenced by it
Gidden’s term for people
High modernity
Gidden’s term for late modernity
The idea that we live in a world that is increasingly perceived and experienced via the media
A decline in accepting socially approved roles and an increasing stress on personal choices
Late modernity
A term to describe contemporary society, in which traditional and social groupings, economic organisation and culture have all changed so profoundly that traditional sociologists explanations no longer true
Ontological security
Idea that people want to believe there is some reality that is beyond them in society, giving them the psychological confidence to engage in interaction
Different perspective on contemporary
A period in history with specific ways of thinking largely based on scientific rational thought
Reflexive modernism
Idea that risk avoidance becomes a major factor in social organisation
Reflexive modernisation
Idea that risk avoidance becomes a major factor in social organisation
Gidden’s term for the ability to perceive yourself as others see you and create your own identity
Risk society
Beck suggests that contemporary societies are best characterised as ones where people are aware that they face complex risks that aren’t open to individual control
Sign objects
Baudrillad’s term for the notion that we buy items to express ourselves, not their function
Simulacrum (plural simulacra)
Media images that have no basis in reality, but which people increasingly model their behaviour upon
Structuration theory
Term used for Gidden’s theory which seeks to combine both structural and social action theories
Transformative capacity
Ability of people to change society
To cross accepted academic boundaries
Meta narrative
Big story or theory which explains and justifies something-eg. Scientific theories, political ideologies and religions are seen by postmodernists as meta narratives
Stimulation a
Signs and images which have no relationship with reality
The argument that there are no clear, indisputable foundations to knowledge
Argument that there are no general theories which reveal and explain the true meanings of things
Anti Utopianism
Argument that knowledge has not been used to create a utopia-a perfect society. Instead, it has been used to exert power over others
Breaking down or a taken for granted subject to uncover the assumptions within it
The linguistic framework within which discussion takes place
A postmodernism concept which refers to a particular way of seeing an issue, people or place
Applied to both physical and social worlds
An accepted explanation or theory for some occurrence
The idea that there is no fixes truth out there waiting to be found. All knowledge is relative to a particular situation