Posterior Leg and Plantar Foot Flashcards
Gastrocnemius- Medial Head
O: Medial Condyle of Femur I: Calcaneus via the Achilles (Calcaneal) Tendon Innervation: Tibial N. Action: Flexion of the Knee Plantarflexion of the Foot
O: Lateral Condyle of Femur and Joint Capsule
I: Calcaneus via the Achilles (Calcaneal) Tendon
Innervation: Tibial N.
Action: Flexion of the Knee (Weak)
Plantarflexion of the Foot
O: Soleal Line of Tibia, Interosseous Membrane and Fibula
I: Calcaneus via the Achilles (Calcaneal) Tendon
Innervation: Tibial N.
Action: Plantarflexion of the Foot
O: Lateral Femoral Condyle I: Tibia Innervation: Tibial N. Action: Flexion of the Knee (Weak) Medial Rotation of Tibia or Lateral Rotation of Femur (Unlocking the Knee)
Flexor Hallucis Longus
O: Fibula, Interosseous Membrane and Tibia I: Distal Phalanx of Great Toe Innervation: Tibial N. Action: Flexion of the Great Toe Plantarflexion of the Foot Inversion of Foot
Flexor Digitorum Longus
O: Fibula, Interosseous Membrane and Tibia I: Distal Phalanx of Digits 2-5 Innervation: Tibial N. Action: Flexion of the Digits 2-5 Plantarflexion of the Foot Inversion of Foot
Tibialis Posterior
O: Fibula, Interosseous Membrane and Tibia I: Navicular and Medial Cuneiform Innervation: Tibial N. Action: Plantarflexion of the Foot Inversion of Foot Dynamic Support of Arches
Gastrocnemius- Lateral Head
O: Lateral Condyle of Femur I: Calcaneus via the Achilles (Calcaneal) Tendon Innervation: Tibial N. Action: Flexion of the Knee Plantarflexion of the Foot
the flexor retinaculum of the foot spans from which two structures?
the calcaneus to the medial malleolus
Does the popliteal artery run superficial or deep to the popliteus?
superficial but deep to gastrocnemius
Relationship between tibialis posterior, flexor hallicus longus, and flexor digitorum longus origins
Flexor digitorum is the most medial and the highest, then tibialis posterior in the middle, then flexor hallicus longus is the most lateral and furthest down the leg. The tendons of these muscles all have sheaths as they pass the flexor retinaculum
The relationship of the things in the flexor retinaculum from posterior to anterior
Flexor hallicus longus, tibial nerve, posterior tibial artery, flexor digitorum longus, tibialis posterior (HNADP)
Does the tibial nerve leave the popliteal fossa deep or superficial to the gastrocnemius?
Deep and courses down the center of the leg. During its course, the tibial nerve crosses the posterior tibial artery from medial to lateral
The tibial nerve gives off what three branches?
the medial and lateral plantar nerves (that run with the medial and lateral plantar arteries) and the medial calcaneus nerves
What does the posterior tibial artery run with in the leg?
tibial nerve (they are both deep to soleus)
Where does the fibular artery branch from the posterior tibial artery?
~2cm inferior to the split between anterior and posterior tibial arteries. It descends on or is embedded in the muscles of the deep compartment of the leg as it courses down the lateral side of the leg
Does the soleal line run medial to lateral along the posterior aspect of the tibia or vice-versa?
lateral to medial
What nerve does the small saphenous vein run with?
sural nerve (these are superficial structures)
What nerve does the great saphenous vein run with?
saphenous nerve
What nerve does the anterior tibial artery run with?
deep fibular nerve
What is the crural chiasm?
the point where the tibialis posterior crosses the flexor digitorum longus
What is the plantar chiasm?
The point where the flexor halicus longus passes underneath/deep to the flexor digitorum longus before entering the flexor retinaculum
Does the extensor halicus longus run deep or superficial to the flexor digitorum longus in the plantar aspect of the foot?
deep to its insertion at the medial cuneiform and base of the first metatarsal
What artery gives to the plantar metatarsal arteries?
perforating arteries of the arcuate artery
What artery does the arcuate artery arise from?
the dorsalis pedis
The dorsal and plantar digital arteries arise from which artery?
dorsal and plantar metatarsal arteries (which come off the arcuate and perforating arteries of the arcuate artery respectively)
What nerve supplies cutaneous innveration to the heel of the dorsum of the foot?
medial calcaneus of the tibial nerve