Post-War Britain 1918-1929 - Sheet1 Flashcards
What was the post-war coalition, 1918-22 ?
A joint government between the Conservatives (Bonar-Law) and the Liberals (Lloyd George)
Who was Christopher Addison?
He was the minister of health of health from 1919-21 and joined the Labour party in 1922
What was a promise Lloyd George give for the 1918 elections?
Homes for heroes, which Christopher Addison messed up
What happened to National Insurance between 1920-21?
Lloyd George extended the provisions to cover 8 million people
What were the post-war industrial problems?
Coal mining was becoming harder to profit from, the wartime blockade greatly reduced foreign orders. People thought the mining industry should have been re-nationalised and brought by the government
What was the Geddes Axe?
The cut back to education, hospitals and housing
What is recession?
A slowing down of economic growth usually caused by manufacture having falling profits and demand
What was the Sinn Fein and the IRA?
They were Irish nationalist parties which fought for independence, the Sinn Fein was led by Eamon de Valera
What were the black and tans?
A special irregular force which fought against the IRA
What happened with the Anglo-Irish treaty, 1921?
Southern Ireland was granted independence and most of ulster remained with the UK
What was the Honours scandal?
Lloyd George sold titles and honours for expensive prices for the “Lloyd George Fund”
What foreign problems did Lloyd George have?
A war was threatened between Turkey and Mustapha Kemal
When did the Conservatives abandon Lloyd George?
The Carlton Club, October 1922
Who took over after Lloyd George?
Stanley Baldwin
What was Chamberlains Housing act, 1923?
Housing subsides would take the form of a central government grant, it would be paid annually over 20 years.