Post War Flashcards
How did lives for teenagers change in the 1950s?
Why did it cause issues?
They now had more leisure time and spending power
It caused a generation gap between them and their parents
What were the youth associated with
Seen as acting up towards their parents by the way they dressed, behaved and even spoke.
What was the average things teens spent their money on?
Music, cars, fashion and alcohol
An average teen received $10 - $15 dollars a week.
What did American businesses realise about teens?
They could sell all sorts of products to them
They targeted teens with their advertisements
What happened to TV post war?
No other household technology has spread so quickly
By 1958 83.2% of households owned a TV
Replaced reading and listening to the radio
What new programmes were created post war?
Due to the baby boom after the war, producers took the opportunity of developing children’s programmes.
What was McCarthyism?
Spread fear by making a speech saying he knew 205 employees for the government were communist. Americans were very scared of this after the red scare.
What were the Jim Crow laws?
Segregating the everyday facilities like toilets, parks, buses and schools
When was the Little Rock case?
September 1947
When did Rosa parks bus boycott begin?
5th December
Who was MLK?
Leader of the MIA
Believed Non-Violent protest was the best way to achieve equal rights
Who were the Black Panthers?
Formed in 1966, 5000 members by 1968
Argued AA needed to use violence if necessary.
Why was the Black Power movement criticised.
Giving law enforcement an excuse to crack down on all African American activists.
When was MLK assassinated?
April 1968
When were interracial marriages legalized?
What was the New Frontier?
New generation of leadership - new men to cope with new problems and opportunities
Wanted to make a better, fairer place by eliminating poverty and inequality.
When did Johnson become president?
22nd November 1963
What was his Great Society?
Hoped to end poverty and racial injustice.
He hoped America used its wisdom and wealth to advance the quality of its American civilisation.
What was different between Johnson’s and Kennedy’s style of presidency?
John F Kennedy was described as a man with great charisma and ambition whilst Johnson was described as a forceful, stubborn man that could be very manipulative and devious.
Impacts of the great society on poverty.
Minimum wage increased
Medicare created to help elderly and low income families
Housing act introduced
Clearing of city slums
Impacts of great society on education
Major funding for schools
Job corps introduced to help high school leavers get jobs
Impacts of great society on health
Safety standards were improved on consumer goods
Air and water quality tightened to control pollution
1966 Feminist society….
Betty Friedan set up the NOW to demand equal rights for women
Impacts of the second ww on women’s lives….
Around 6 million worked in factories, women made up around half the work force.
Many rebelled against the typical women lifestyle.