Post-Surgical Duties, Packing and Wrapping 1 Flashcards
What tasks do you think a nurse needs to do post surgery?
Attend to sharps - remove blades, needles into container Soak ET Tubes Soak instruments in enzymes Dispose/package tissue/organs (organic matter) in biohazard bag or pottle for packaging Clean out rubbish bin in surgery room Clean trolley Vacuum Mop Clean table
What sharps hazards are there when cleaning post surgery?
Bone cutting blades
Sharp tipped retractors (Senn retractor, Gelpi retractor etc)
Orthopaedic pins and wire
What is medical waste?
Organic material:
Body tissue
Bloody swabs
How is medical waste disposed of?
Freezer for pick up by medical company for incineration and biohazard bags
What is sharps waste?
Sharp items:
How are sharps disposed of?
Sharps bin
What do we soak instruments in?
Enzyme cleaner
Why and how do we soak instruments in enzyme cleaner?
Enzyme cleaner eats organic material - proteins and fats)
Keep instruments open so enzyme can reach all surface areas
Use cold water as warm or hot water cooks on any blood/tissue
Use gloves
All instruments opened for a procedure must be cleaned
Soak instruments immediately after use
What do we use to clean surgical instruments?
Submerge in cool water containing a mild non corrosive detergent
Clean manually with soft bristled brush
Abrasive pads or cleaners remove the passivated layer and create mini grooves and abrasions - avoid these
What are ultrasonic cleaners?
Removes up to 90% of instrument soil in 5 minute cycle
Cleans by process called cavitation - implosion of bubbles
Effectiveness depends on:
Temp of solution
Gas content of solution
Detergent used
How and why do we rinse surgical instruments?
Rinse with distilled water (pH 6.7 - 7.2)
Washes off alkaline water and detergent
Gives surface of the instruments a neutral pH
What is instrument milk?
Protects instruments Do not wipe off Guards against rusting, staining and corrosion Improves instrument function Inhibits bacterial growth Allows optimum steam penetration
What are delicate items and how do we clean them?
Electrocautery hand-piece and cathodes - wipe down with a damp swab
Surgical staplers - ways and rinse well. Remove last 1 or 2 staples. Dry
Scrub brushes - wash well. Dry
Suction Hand piece - wash well. Dry
How do we clean surgical linen?
Blood soaked textiles (gowns, drapes, kit wraps) should be well rinsed before soaking and laundering
What type of textiles are used in surgery?
Woven textiles
What are woven textiles?
100% cotton or polycotton mix Minimum thread count should be 140 per 2.5cm2 Woven surgical gowns and drapes are traditionally green Must be; Laundered Inspected De-linted Folded between use
What are microfibres?
100% polyester fabrics
Non-woven material
Synthetic fabric bonded under pressure
Used for single use disposable gowns
How do we launder woven surgical textiles?
(Gowns and drapes) Excessively soiled items should be soaked in cold water before laundering Ensure item is completely cleaned and dried Don't place surgical items on the line Check item before folding for; Holes Lint Required repairs