Post Review Flashcards
Medicare- must PAY or DONATE the first X Units.
You must either pay the provider costs for the first 3 units of blood you get in a calendar year, or you or someone else can donate the blood.
Max age for COBRA?
26 years kicked off plan. Life event = +36 Months for Cobra coverage. = 29 Years
Cash value and death benefit of VUL and UL
VUL (3 Letters) = you get both CV AND (3 letters) DB
UL (2 Letters) = you get CV OR (2 Letters) DB
Life insurance and creditor protection
ALL cash value in a life insurance creditor protected
If you don’t need life insurance never buy…
permanent policy, whole life, VUL, VL etc
1035 Rules
Life to Life (ok)
Life to Annuity (ok)
Annuity to Annuity (ok)
Annuity to Life (No way)
MT: Lindsay Lohan went to LA for AA, not AL
Owner of an S Corp get
IRS wants to tax
Either the front end - when you pay or the back end - when you receive.
MT: Hug and a Slug ( you are getting hit on one side)
no double taxation
Viatical Settlement
terminal illness (2 years or less life expectancy) = tax free to owner (person) above the basis the viatical company pays tax on anything on their basis (what they paid the person)
Life Settlement
you are old and cash out early. this is taxable - life settlement = LTCG
Non Forfeiture Options
when you want to STOP paying premiums
C - cash
E - extended term/paid up term
P - paid up reduced amount
MT: I Can’t Even Pay (amount)
Settlement for Life Insurance
Bene option when the insured is dead
C - cash (check)
R - refund
I - Interest Only (hold my $ and company invests)
S - Specified Period Income
P - Period certain and life
P - Pure life/ Single Life
(review book I-31)
Dividend Options
when you are continuing to pay premium as planned
participating whole life
C - cash
R - reduce premiums
A - accumulated with interest
P - paid up additions
O - one year term (5th dividend)
C - Conversion (exchange term for permeant type plan WITHOUT evidence of insurability
R - reinstatement (reinsure)
A - APL Provision (automatic premium loans)
I - Incontestability (after 2 years validity cannot be questions except in fraud cases
G - Grace Period ( # of days allowed for premium in default)
S - Suicide Clause (within 2 years you get return of premium no DB)
(Review I-29)
Exam Tip on life insurance
For exam purposes ALL term policies are convertible
How to set up insurance on Exam
write down….
MECs Can’t Flex (lifo)
Remember MECs aren’t flexible (no income)
Whole (5) Life insurance is…
FORCE (5)d Savings
Exam loves Whole Life
If you are down to 2 pick WHOLE LIFE as the answer
GST Tax (EP 42)
Direct Skip: Donor/Estate pays GST
Taxable Termination: GST paid by Trustee
Taxable Distribution: GST paid by transferee
Estate Planning where you don’t need income…
House = QPRT
Equipment = Gift leaseback
Non-service Business = Gift Shares
Maintain Control or Split Income = FLP, Family Limited Partnership
Estate Planning - Income
Estate Planning - Inflation Hedge
Flexible payments CRUT
U is open to you can add to it
Estate Planning - Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
Charity gets the LEAD (income) think Jackie O Trust
What’s a CRAT
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
Charity gets the Remainder
Any ten 5% kicks out out on the front end (lead income) 10% principal to the charity (at the end)
Memory for CR v CL
5% - Private foundation, CRAT, CRUT
CR = cash received (donor)
CL = cash leaves (to the charity)
A v C Trust
C = 2nd marriage (what you do after 2nd letter of alphabet/2nd marriage)
C Trust does not get unlimited control over Corpus
A = 1st letter of alphabet / 1st marriage
C Trust
C trust is for Sven Example
C Trust controlled by first to die spouse
A Trust
“A” (marital) trust is for person ABOVE the ground ALIVE
B Trust
B trust funded by person BELOW the ground
*funded with exemption amount “credit shelter” trust - you are “sheltering” the credit amount ($12.92M)
C Trust (QTIP) Trust
L - lifetime for spouse
A - annual income for spouse
M - mandatory distribution to spouse
E - exclusively for spouse
In what order do you found ABC trust?
Fund B trust 1st then allocate between “A” trust and “C” trust
General Power of Appointment
outright ownership
Gifts of Future Interest or Present Interest
Gifts of FUTURE INTEREST are NOT eligible for annual exclusion
Only gifts of PRESENT INTEREST ARE eligible for annual exclusion
Inheritance v Gift
Inheritance: dead person gives property to a living person
Gift: living person gives property to living person
Buy Sell - how many individual policies are needed?
x= owner
Bene needs $ to buy out dead owner
Policy 1:
Owner: Brett
Insured: John
Bene: Brett
Policy 2:
Owner: John
Insured: Brett
Bene: John
Use entity for lots of owners
non-MECpolicy: withdrawals (to basis) and loans are not subject to income tax
MEC: Policy withdrawals and even loans above basis is tax.
Under 59.5 YO those withdrawals and loans are subject to 10% penalty.
Grandfathered MEC
(Review I-33)
G10 - $150K or lower
guarenteed insurability option
- no need to prove insurability
if you have to prove insurability $1 or more = MEC
to avoid a MEC buy a new policy! when proving insurability
- if it increased by more than $150,000 you can lose grandfathered status
- if you have to prove insurability it can be MEC
MECs Modified Endowment Contract
LIFO think MECS make LIFE harder
7 pay test
if the age isn’t listed assume under 59.5 (10% penalty)
Transfer for Value (&exceptions)
If an interest in a life insurance policy is transferred for valuable consideration (not a gift) the proceeds in excess of the consideration paid for the policy, combined with any premiums paid by owners ARE TAXABLE AS ORDINARY INCOME
I - Insured
C - Corporation
D - Divorce
P - Partnership
MT: ICDP ( I see dead people)
I can buy my policy
the Company I work for can buy my policy
my Spouse can buy my policy in Divorce
my business Partner can buy my policy
Review (I 37)
What Types of Accounts have NO STEP UP
pre-tax IRAs
(tax shelters because there is no basis)
Life Insurance Table 1 Pro Tip
MULTIPLY by 12! Table 1 is a MONTHLY cost and you will need an annual number for exam
Guaranteed Renewable
this means you can renew but the premiums/policy can still change
What numbers to use for a 1031
Use only 3 numbers:
1. FMV
2. Adjusted Basis of property given up
3. BOOT (anything not qualified or like-kind)
Boot = recognized gain
Sale of Residences (Section 121)
Single $250K
MFJ: $500K
If you live in a home less than 2 years exceptions are available for unforeseen circumstance which include - marriage, moving for a job
They like to test moving make sure it’s MORE THAN 50 miles (for work)
179 Deduction
Election to expense up to $1,160,000 for qualifying property.
Tangible personal property 1245 computers, autos, light trucks, office equipment (not computer)
Section 1244 Qualified Small Business Stock
loss of $100K a year joint, $50K otherwise
1244 + $3K capital loss allowed
*this applies to 1st million dollars of stock issued
Net Operation Loss
(T - 14)
A NOL may NOT be carried back but CAN be carried forward
Adoption Tax Credit
ALL COSTS are eligible, the credit can be claimed in the year the adoption is finalized.
-adoption fees
-court costs
-attorney fees
-cost to adopt foreign child
Child and dependent care Tax Credit: expenses until age 13
$3,000 for 1 kid
$6,000 for 2+
use 20% available expenses on the exam
Family credit/other dependent Tax Credit:
Child tax Credit
Under 17, son, daughter, stepchild, foster child
Phased out for $400K, MAGI MFJ
Phased out for single at $200K
up to $1600 is a REFUNDABLE tax credit. $2000 p Kid
FICA on Earned Income above $160,200
1.45% FICA (SS + Medicare)
Below $160K is 6.2%
Self employment tax
income X 0.1413
Kiddie Tax on both earned income and unearned income
greater of $1250 unearned OR earned income plus $400 (never more than the standard deduction)
Personal and Dependency Exemptions
Suspended post 2017
Salaried employee cannot deduct unreimbursed meal exepenses
Employer should be reimbursing in full
Home office deduction
only available for self employed individuals.
For taxes…
loss is reduced by $100 floor only loss in excess of 10% AGI is deductible.
Margin Interest…
no investment income =
no deduction of margin interest
Extra standard deduction per spouse over 65
+$1500 (S 1 65+)
+$1500 (S 2 65+)
Estimated Payments
110% of PRIOR year OR 90% of this year
Standard Deviation σ
68% of all returns fall within 1 σ
95% within 2 σ
How to find Mean and STD σ of a stock when annual returns are given
Mean = gold x (7)
σ (STD) = Gold Sx (8)
1. 8 Σ+
2. 12 Σ+
3. 0 Σ+
Coefficent of Variation (CV)
Highest is most risky
1. avg 5.75% and std σ 7.59%
2. avg 7% and std σ 10.52
- 7.59%/5.75%=132%
- 10.52/7%=150%
Standard Deviation σ of Portfolio Shortcut
Correlation = 1 (perfectly correlated)
Correlation = 0.0 to 1.0 proportion of
Correlation Negative = -1 move opposite of each other
shortcut add risks and divide by 2. Then use above to decide closest #
*high correlation high #, low correlation low #
for the exam all single premium policies are MECs
Concept: Private Placement are great for?
Roth IRA (need to be self directed)
What’s the unearned income kiddie standard deduction?
State, local sales tax (SALT)
Real Estate tax
NO Investment Income means
you can’t write off margin interest
Kiddie Tax Concept (T10)
1st $1250 (no tax)
next $1250 (10%)
remaining unearned income taxes and mom and dads bracket! ex. 24%
Watch for unearned vs earned income
Only REFUNDABLE tax credits can..
generate income to you. (Pays you even if you don’t owe any money)
What situations are not included in adoption credit?
Parenting Arrangement
Adopting Spouses Child
What’s a tax credit?
You get $ back even if you didn’t owe. (Can generate income)
Credit for Child and Dependent Care to 13
$3K for 1 dependent
$6K for 2 dependents
(use 20% of allowable expense)
Child Tax Credit
$2K per Child
Under age 17
Up to $1600 per child refundable tax credit
phased out over $400K MFJ/$200K Single
Basis in a Partnership
Cash/Direct Loans/Bank Loans
ALL count towards basis! (you can take loses up to basis)
Unlimited liability
Income Tax 17
S Corp Basis
Basis = Cash + Direct Loans
NOT bank loans
this is why owner should take loan in own name and THEN loan to business
Net Operating Loss
you carryforward(verb) the NOL* (noun)
27 1/2 Year: Residential Rental Property
39 Year: Nonresidential real property
5 Year: Computer, Autos, Trucks
7 Year: Office furniture and equipment (except computers)
Highest Cap Gains Rates
20% starts in 35-37% Bracket
What’s the collectible tax rate
Netting Gains and Losses
Net LT + LT
Net ST + ST
Net Together
(whichever has a balance you do ST or LT accordingly)
$3,000 losses can be applied and rest can be carryforward
How to do a 1031 no matter how many #s are given
- FMV of property received
- Adjusted basis of property given up
- BOOT (non like kind)
No Boot = Recognized Gain $0
Boot = Recognized Gain
1031 Memory Trick
Swap (1031) til you drop (full step up at death)