Post-Registration Requirements Flashcards
What is in the firm’s written supervisory procedures (WSP)
Review, by a registered principal, of all transactions. There is an exception to this rule, however: if the firm uses a “risk-based review system,” enabling the firm to focus on the areas that pose the greatest risks of violation, they are not required to conduct detailed reviews of every individual transaction
Review and approve of new accounts
Review of incoming and outgoing written correspondence and internal communications by a registered principal
Safeguard customer funds and securities, including procedures for review of transmittal of funds and securities into and out of customer accounts
Monitor the outside activities of registered representatives
Handle customers written complaints
Maintain required books and records
Potential red flags of an RR
may indicate unethical or fraudulent activity include excessive trading (churning), making blanket recommendations (including selling only one share class of mutual funds to all customers), repeated customer complaints of the same or similar nature, and improper suitability determination for the sole purpose of generating revenue (selling only products that generate the highest revenue).
What is an office of supervisory jurisdiction (OSJ)
an office of a broker-dealer where any of the following activities occur:
Order execution
Approval of new accounts
Approval of retail communications
Review of customer orders
How often should internal audits of OSJ be conducted.
What is a branch office?
A branch office is any location where one or more agents of a broker-dealer engage in the business of effecting or attempting to effect securities transactions.
How often should a branch office be audited.
At least once every 3 years
What happens if a firm does not abide the rules for more than 30 days?
According to the USA, if a firm does not abide by these stipulations for more than 30 days, the broker-dealer’s registration in the state will be either revoked or suspended until the firm is in compliance with the rule.
what is a customer complaint
a customer complaint as a complaint that is received in writing
What should an agent or IAR do when they receive a written complaint?
Must be escalated to manager/ principal immediately
How long should the records of a complaint be held?
4 years
What should be done if a complaint is rescinded?
Original complaint must be held and a copy returned to the cm
Where should statements or correspondence be sent to?
The Account holder’s mailing address as provided by the CM. It cannot be kept in a branch, held, or sent to a different address designated by the agent. This is intended to keep the customer informed of any account activity and to help prevent fraud.
For BD records how long are most records retained?
Most records, including customer correspondence and trade confirmations, dmust be retained for at least 3 years.
How long are BD Trade blotters, containing all purchases and sales of securities, and customer account records held?
Trade blotters, containing all purchases and sales of securities, and customer account records must be retained for at least 6 years
How long are complaints held for BD and how many years in an easily accessible location?
Records of written customer complaints must be kept for 4 years These records must be kept in an easily accessible location for the first 2 years.