Post-op Complications Flashcards
Impaired airway clearance
- Evidence
- non-effective, non-productive cough
- moist cough
- inspiratory coarse crackles
- impaired cough
- on suction
Impaired airway clearance
- Patho cause
- resp depression
- pain
- resp inhibition
- impaired cough due to anaesthesia
- reduced cilial function (secondary to O2 therapy)
- anaesthetic
- resp infection
- thick secretions
Impaired airway clearance
- Treatment
- Supported/assisted cough (remove)
- ACT’s (FET – low volume for mob and then high volume for secretion)
- P+V (mob)
- PD (mob)
- PEP devices (mob)
- Suction (removal)
- MHI (mob and remove)
Impaired airway clearance
- OMs
- Sputum volume
- Cough effectiveness/productiveness
- Suction (suction less = airway clearance mechanisms is working)
- Auscultation
Impaired ventilation
- Evidence
- Wheeze on ausc
- V/Q mismatch
- Spirometry
- increased WOB (nasal flaring, Ax muscle use, increased RR)
Impaired ventilation
- Patho cause
- Retained secretions
- airway obstruction (bronchoconstriction, tumour)
- weak resp muscles
- airway closes early due to parenchymal damage
Impaired airway clearance
- Treatment
- Fix whatever is causing obstruction
- Strengthen resp muscles
- Position in high sitting to reduced WOB
Impaired ventilation
- OMs
- Ausc
- CXR to check for obstruction
- spirometry
- observation of breathing
Reduced lung volume
- Evidence
- redued BS on Ausc
- reduced BBE
Reduced lung volume
- Patho cause
- Atelectasis post surgically due to anaesthetic /pain meds causing resp depression
- obstruction
- restrictive
- non-complaint lungs (ie ARDS)
- resp depression
Reduced lung volume
- Treatment
- Position(high siting)
- Pain Mx (ensure not to cause further resp depression if taking analgesics)
- TEE’s
- Incentive spirometry
- Stretch facilitation
Reduced lung volume
- OMs
- Ausc
- obs
- palpation
Impaired gas exchange
- Patho cause
- Impaired vent
- reduced volume
- retained secretions
- damage to gas exchange surface
- hyperinflation and gas trapping due to early airway closure
Impaired gas exchange
- Treatment
- Fix the cause
- O2 – ensure fit and flow of device, notify Dr if any adjustments need to be made/are recommended
- Increased metabolic demand (i.e burns, deconditioning, increase WOB)
Impaired gas exchange
- OMs
- ABG’s
- observation (colour etc)
Impaired gas exchange
- Evidence
- V/Q mismatch
- hypoxemic
- resp failure
- ABG’s
- Evidence
- Subjective complaint
- increased RR
- Ax muscle use
- pause in middle of sentence/on activity that isn’t typically exhausting etc
- Patho cause
- Reduced lung volume
- weak resp muscles
- impaired airflow
- impaired gas exchange
- fatigue/deconditioning
- Increased vent demands sue to infection/severe trauma
- Treatment
- Positioning - recovery position –> reverse O/I axiohumeral muscle action
- BC
- Resolve causative issues (i.e clear secretions as mentioned above)
- OMs
- Observation (Breathing pattern, during speaking etc)
- Subjective report
- Evidence
- Complains it hurts
- reduced deep breaths
- cough isn’t effective etc
- Patho cause
- Incision
- surgery
- trauma
- Treatment
- Position
- Support wound when mobilising/coughing
- Time Rx with pain meds,
- advise them to deliver dose (if PCA) prior to Pt session
- OMs
- Ask them (subjective report)
- need for PCA before Rx
- Cough effectiveness
Reduced exercise tolerance
- Evidence
- Will say
- tired when walking small distance
- increased WOB on mild exertion
- fatigue, slow when walking
- need to take breaks
Reduced exercise tolerance
- Patho cause
- Prolonged immobility
- reduced WB/exercise/ movement
- lung problems (reduced volume/ventilation/Retained secretions)
Reduced exercise tolerance
- Treatment
- Mobilise
- Bed exercises (LL, UL, Circ)
Reduced exercise tolerance
- OMs
- Distance walked
- BORG when walking/mobilising
- observe resp pattern when mobilising
Risk of DVT
- Evidence
- Prolong immobility
- CV risk factors
- LL surgery
Risk of DVT
- Patho cause
Reduced venous return secondary to reduced LL muscle use as well as possible clot from surgery
Risk of DVT
- Treatment
- Circ exercises + mobilisation to increased active pump of venous blood,
- Ted stocking –> for external pressure on vessels
Risk of DVT
- OMs
- DVT check regularly
- ultrasound if necessary
Risk of pressure sore
- Evidence
- Prolonged immobility
- reduced bed mobility due to surgery
- CV risk factors, especially PVD and diabetes
- Age – fragile skin
Risk of pressure sore
- Patho cause
- Impaired circulation in LL
- impaired sensation
- fragile skin
- prolonged immobility
- may develop pressure areas, but have reduced healing capacity /reduced ability to feel/notice it and therefore it may develop into a pressure sore
Risk of pressure sore
- Treatment
- Regular position changes in bed to relieve pressure
- Circ exercises to facilitate blood flow
- Mobilisation to achieve the above 2 effects
Risk of pressure sore
- OMs
Regular observation and monitoring