Post Op Complications Flashcards
What are the three major stages for post op period?
a. Immediate post-op, 1-3 hours, PACU, or Recovery Room
b. Intermediate Phase : the remainder of hospitalization
c. Convalescent (late) Phase: discharge to full recovery
What are the most common causes of death in the immediate post-op period?
a. Acute pulmonary, CV and fluid derangements. Can be discharged from PACU after 1-3 hours , as those risks return to near baseline.
b. If there is a complication: then you want to support your patient, assess and treatment pain, detect and prevent complications
What Post-Op orders need to be considered?
ADC Van Diml
i. Admit to _____
ii. Diagnosis
iii. Condition
iv. Vitals
v. Activity
vi. Nursing orders
vii. Diet
viii. IV fluids
ix. Medications
x. Labs
What prophylaxis treatments do you need to consider post-op
DVT, wound, GI stress ulcer, Respiratory, Bowel
What should you use for DVT prophylaxis?
Sequential compression devides, LMWH, mobilize
What should you use for Wound prophylaxis?
a. Give 24 hours of IV antibiotics post-op
What should you use for GI stress ulcer prophylaxis
PPIs, H2Bs, antacids
What should be used for Resp phrophylaxis
Incentive spirometry 10x/hour, mobilized
What should be used for bowel prophylaxis?
Mobilize, stool softener, MOM
What are wound complications with fluid in the wound?
Hematoma: collection of blood and clot in close wound due to poor hemostais. creates a pressure effect
Seroma: thought to be due to a disruption in lymph fluid. Increases risk of infection
What is the number one preventing factor for wound complications
Hand washing
What are some of the signs of wound complications?
Warmth, spreading redness, induration, tenderness, pus/drainnage, increasing pain over time, foul smell.
Treatment is antibiotics and allowing for drainage, often will need to return to OR for irrigation and debridement
What is a dehiscence?
a. Partial or total disruption of wound layers (superficial skin/dermis vs deep fascia
- What is evisceration
all layers rupture and abdominal contents extrude. Can be due to closure issues by sutures, increased abdominal pressure, deficient wound healing.
What is the most common single cause of morbidity after major surgical procedures?
a. Respiratory complications
b. Second most common cause of post-op death in age >60. Much more common in patients with upper chest or upper abdominal surgeries.
What is the most common pulmonary complication
a. Atelectasis
b. First 48 hours: causes 90% of all episodes of fever. (other symptoms being tachypnea, tachycardia). Usually due to the collapse of dependent bronchioles due to SHALLOW BREATHING and FAILURE TO HYPERVENTILATE.
How can you prevent atelectasis?
Positive pressure, nebulized meds, percussion, NT suction