Post modern art Flashcards
definition of post modern art
is a movement within contemporary art which focused on re-using imagery, new technologies, combining various styles, use of text and other non-conventional approaches.
Summary: contemparay art focused on non-conventional approaches to art making
what are the frames of post modern art
- It challenges the idea from the past that artworks should be original and precious and long lasting
- Shocks the audience to think about mainstream or dominant/accepted values and beliefs and to consider that there are other points of view
- Comments on globalization and multiculturalism
- Uses images from popular culture, TV, advertising, video games and comics
what are the five post modern devices
Appropriation definition
challenge the notion of originality by using past artworks or images from popular culture.
- they change the context of the image to create new meaning.
parody definition
An imitation of an artwork from the past with a humorous, exaggerated slat or approach.
The artist is paying homage to the past yet wanting the audience to question the values represented in the original work
pastiche definition
Borrowing and combining aspects from different art styles and cultures. Often comments on the globalization of our contempt world.
irony definition
Using images and words in such a way as to convey the opposite meaning - often needs an informed audience
satire definition
Is the art of making someone or something look ridiculous
Use of ridicule to challenge