Post Mock Flashcards
Hyperparathyroidism in CKD?
Part of Vitamin D dysfunction
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism from low Ca due to CKD
Treat this with Alfacaldiol
X ray shows destruction due to Calcium Resorbtion
Bowel Cancer with Liver Met?
Surgical resection
Don’t biopsy the liver lesion as can cause spread
Watery Diarrhoea in Immunocomprimised? Cysts on Acid Fast Staining?
Cryptosporidium parvum
Transient in healthy but can be very severe if immunocomprimised
Acid Fast Staining on Faeces shows Cysts
Cresenteric Glomerulonephritis
Rapid Deterioration
Nephritic Syndrome
Caused by Good Pastures and ANCA positive Vasculitis
Livedo Reticularis and PE/DVT in Woman
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Could be SLE as well with Antiphospholipid syndrome
If ANA positive then think SLE
Complement normal - not SLE
IgG only rasied and no CRAB present?
What classes someone taking steroids as immuno comprimised?
40mg of Pred for 7 days
20mg of Pred for 14 days
Anti Cardiolipin IgM / igG Antibodies
Seen in Antiphospholipid syndrome
These are raised in 10 % of the population
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Treat with Steroids - Oral Pred
Classically around the stoma site in Crohn’s
Hypothyroidism effect on Muscles
Can be a cause of Muscle Weakness and Tenderness
Mildly raised CK (1000)
Causes a macrocytic anaemia
Anti Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies
PAF and Heart Pauses?
PAF has to be AF for over 30 seconds to be significant
Heart Pauses have to be over 3 seconds to be significant without symptoms
If less but symptomatic then still needs pacemaker
Hepatitis B vs Hepatitis C transmission risk factors?
Hep B = Homosexual
Hep C = IVDU
Cryptogenic organising pneumonia
Inflammation of the alveoli and Bronchioles
Basically leads to pneumonia just from inflammation without infection
Seen in RA, but also secondary to drugs like
Keratoderma Blenorrhagica
Seen in Reiters syndrome
Bottom of the feet get scaley
Diabetic Amyotrophy
Diabetic Neuropathy
With Weakness at Pelvis
Painful Proximal Pelvis Weakness
Small vessel Vasculitis
Fever, Joint pain, Weight loss, Rash, Raised inflammatory markers
Granulomatosis with Polyangitis
Granuloma formation after vasculitis in the upper airway, lower airway and kidney
Causes sinusitis, epistaxis, haematuria, haemoptysis, saddel nose
cANCA positive
Microscopic polyangitis
Like GPA without Sinusitis / Upper Airway
this is pANCA positive
Churg Straus Like GPA but + some other symptoms Gut, Lung and Heart involvement pANCA positive Eosinophilia high Has a asthmatic/Allergic phase at the start
facioscapulohumeral is symmetrical – facial and biceps weakness
spinal muscular atrophy
spinal muscular atrophy – distal wasting and weakness, e.g. in the hands;
Spinobulbar muscular atrophy
spinobulbar muscular atrophy – bulbar weakness
anti PR3 = ?
c Anca Antibodies
Anti MPO=?
p Anca Antibodies
Psoriasis Triggers?
Beta Blockers
Mitral Regurgitation Acutely?
Severe MR causes Left Heart failure
- Oedema
- Distended Neck Veins
Chest pain Usually caused by MI causing: chordal rupture flail leaflet papillary muscle rupture
Rupture of Valsalva
Valsalva anyeurysm is by the aortic valve
Can get anyeurysms that are then asymptomatic mainly
Can impact on the coronary artery supply
If they rupture, get chest pain and heart failure
Usually a young person
Then get a constant murmur