Post Midterm Lab #6 and #7 Flashcards
How do we test olfaction in a patient?
by presenting the patient with familiar, non-irritating odourants such as coffee, cloves, vanilla.
What is an asymmetric test result for CNI suggest?
central lesions
what is a bilateral test result for CNI suggest?
peripheral explanations
For CN II, if a patient is unable to read the top line of the chart, then you should stand half of the specified distance from the patient and ask to count how many fingers you are holding up, this is called CF @X. What if a patient is unable to see the fingers.
If they cannot count finger, but can see your hand moving, record HM (hand motion) @ X. if they cant see hand motion, assesss light perception by shining a pen torch.
For color vision, a score of what indicates color vision deficiency?
score of 7 or less
what are most cases of color vision deficiencies?
protan (red cones)
deutan (Green cones)
severe = opia
For visual field testing, what increases the size of the physiologic blind spot?
papilloedema increases the size of the physiological blind spot as the swelling impairs the function of surrounding retina.
For the visual pathway, what are the two nuclei involved?
optic nerve to pretectal nuclei
oculomotor nerve from the edinger-westphal nucleus to the ciliary ganglion.
to the sphincter muscles of the eye
what is papilloedema?
blurred or elevated optic disc that most often results from transmission of increase intracranial pressure to the eye
what three layers is the optic nerve covered with?
cranial meninges: meningeal dura, arachnoid mater and pia mater
What are the physical exam findings of papilloedema?
blurred, elevated margins of the disc, visible haemorrhages on or around the papilla.
Clinical Case: Diminished Libido: A 35 year old unmarried night club owner presents to his urologist with concerns about decreased interest in sexual activity and impotence. The symptoms started a few months ago and since then have gradually worsened. whats significant?
age occupation
worsening symptoms
indicates tumor
lab findings of case: low free cortisol. Free T4 levels were slightly below the lower limit of normal. interpret these results
low T4 and cortisol suggest a problem with the anterior pituitary hormone or hypothalamic regulatory hormone
exam findings: direct and consensual pathway reactions were somewhat sluggish in the left eye ( CNII/). Visual field confrontation test, patient had diminished vision in the upper and lower quadrants of both temporal visual hemifields (CNII)
CNII and bitemporal hemianopia means a pituitary tumor
How does a pituitary tumor lead to his symptoms?
Inhibiting the release of anterior pituitary hormones one of which is sex steroid
additionally you have increases prolactin now since your prolactin inhibiting hormone is not active
patient needs dopamine to stop excess prolactin and this should increase sex drive.
Describe the basic pathway of the corneal reflex?
1) Trigeminal nerve to the spinal trigeminal nucleus via the spinal trigeminal tract
2) activates the facial nucleus through interneurons.
Muscles of mastication and jaw jerk reflex are what CN?
An UMN lesion does what to the face?
weakness in the contralateral lower half of the face; forehead wrinkling will be preserved (upper spares upper)
A LMN lesion will do what to the face?
entire ipsilateral half of the face tends to be affected
Webers test??
placement: forehead
sound lateralizes to one side this is an auditory deficit
Conductive hearing loss –> lateralizes to affected side
sensorineural hearing loss –> lateralizes to unaffected side
Rinne’s Test ??
Norma: AC>BC
in conductive hearing loss, BC>AC
in sensorineural hearing loss AC>BC
Clinical Case: Hearing Loss: A 53 year old left handed university professor realized that, during the last three months, he has been changing the hand in which he holds his telephone receiver to hear more clearly. Recently he also developed headaches and dizziness. Since yesterday, he has had difficulties that he cannot fully describe and is not able to walk like he used to. Explain?
Age and occupation matter
CN VIII –> not being able to walk like he use to
Headaches and dizziness–>CN VIII
Neuro Exam: Nystagmus during H test, left side of the face, the nasolabial fold was flattened and the angle of the mouth drooped downwards (left facial nucleus CN VII). Wrinkling of the forehead was also diminished on the left side. Corneal reflex on the left side was reduced (CN VIII). Weber test lateralized to the right and Rinne test = Right AC>BC and Left AC>BC. (sensorineural on left). Thoughts?
Acustic Neuroma or Vestibular Schwanoma
pathological nystagmus= vision difficulties on baseline and nystagmus is only elicited as you go toward extreme vision movements.
Left UMN syndrome (bilateral hearing loss, left sensorineural hearing loss, wrinkling diminished but still intact)