Post Midterm Flashcards
How did we derive the Navier-Cauchy equilibrium equations?
Combine Hooke’s law + Cauchy’s strain tensor
Stick it into Cauchy’s equilibrium eqn
How to estimate the relative size of terms (ex. Deformation of legs of a chair?)
Find |Δuij|
Navier-Cauchy eqn: type of PDE
Navier-Cauchy eqn: solid wall BC
u = 0 (rigid wall that doesn’t move)
Navier-Cauchy eqn: open boundary BC
Specify stress tensor
- typically t=sigma•n = 0 (no force)
Navier-Cauchy eqn: where is the boundary?
- who knows? It can move
- we will consider it at rest + small displacements (BCs imposed are slightly deformed boundaries)
- avoids complications
Saint-Venant’s principle
Deformation from localized external F distribution with vanishing total F and total moment of force will not reach much beyond the linear size of the region of F application
- to illustrate: deformation of coaster on table doesn’t go far beyond edge of coaster
Solving problems with uniform settling
- uniform settling: only vertical displacement
- step 1: find the BCs (either for u or sigma)
- step 2: find nonzero components of uij
- step 3: sub into Hooke’s law for sigma_ij (in terms of nonzero uij)
- step 4: sub into cauchy’s equilibrium eqn
- step 5: solve resulting DEs
- step 6: keep going until you find ui (displacement vectors)
Alternate def of Laplacian of a vector
Nabla^2 (u) = nabla(nabla•u) - nabla x (nabla x u)
Strain tensor in cylindrical coordinates
1/2 (nabla u + (nabla u)^T)
- assuming symmetric + solid at rest
- hasn’t changed from xyz I don’t think
Newton’s second law (integral form)
Triple integral (rho * u_tt dV) = triple integral (fi dV) + double integral (sigma_ij nj dS)
Newton’s second law (small displacements)
rho * u_tt = f + nabla*sigma^T
Total momentum of idealized particle (mass dM)
dP = v(x, t)dM = vrhodV
- P, v, x, are vectors
P = triple integral (rho*v)dV
- particle trajectory as a function of initial position
- x(X, t) where x is current position, X is initial position, t is time
Lagrangian description
Describes a fluid/particle based on initial position X and time t
- follows a fluid parcel (lazy surfer riding a wave)
Lagrangian description: variables
x(X, t) = position of particle at time t original at X
rho_L(X, t) = density of particle at time t originally at X
v_L(X, t) = velocity of particle at time t originally at X
Lagrangian description: requirement
v_L(X, t) = dx(X, t)/dt
- 3 ODEs: as long as v_L is continuous, we know that there’s a unique solution
Eulerian description
Describes the flow with x, t, current position and time
- used more often
- observes at a fixed position (coral reef watching the waves go by)
Eulerian description: variables
rho(x, t) = density at position x and time t
v(x, t) = velocity at position x and time t
Relationship between Eulerian and Lagrangian fields
Scalar: rho_L(X, t) = rho(x(X, t), t)
Vector: v_L(x, t) = v(x(X, t), t)
How to solve: given v(x, t), find particle trajectories
Solve for x(X, t) from
1) dx/dt = v(x, t) [1-3 eqns]
2) x = X at t=0
Def: pathlines
x(X, t) for fixed X
- must solve dx/dt = v(x(t), t)
- trajectories
Def: streamlines
Trajectories for a velocity frozen in time, t0 fixed
Must solve dx/dt = v(x(t), t0)
- snapshot of velocity field
Def: streaklines
Finding al, the positions that pass through a given location
- paintbrush lines (paint all fluid parcels)
- not many uses
What abt pathlines, streamlines, streaklines do we know if the velocity is steady?
They’re all the same!
Physical meaning of d(rho_L)/dt
Rate of change of density of a moving fluid parcel initially at X
Physical meaning of d(rho(x, t))/dt
Rate of change of density at fixed point x(X, t)
- we care more abt the lagrangian description!
Def: material derivative
D/Dt = d/dt + v•nabla
- differential operator for Eulerian fields
- first term: what you get by sitting at a given location (time passing)
- second term: what you get from surfing with velocity (moving in space)
Alternate way to write v•nabla(f)
|v| ( v/|v| • nabla(f))
- directional derivative
Material derivative for vector fields
DFi/Dt = dFi/dt + vj(dFi/dxj)
Assumptions for conservation laws
Bounded, simply connected, smooth orientable body
Other nice things lol
Material volume
D(t) volume in conservation laws
Reynolds Transport Theorem
d/dt (triple integral (D(t)) (f(x, t) dV)) = triple integral (D(t)) (Df/Dt + f nabla•v dV)
= triple integral (df/dt dV) + closed surface integral (fv•n dS)
- closed surface integral over boundary delta(D(t))
RTT physical interpretation of terms
- term 1: rate of change of total f
- term 2: sum of changes in f in volume
- term 3: total changes in f through boundary
Leibniz’s theorem
d/dt(int(g(t), h(t)) f(x,t) dx) = int(g(t), h(t)) df/dt dx + dg/dtf(g,t) - dh/dtf(h,t) - (dx/dt*f(x,t))|(g, h)
- last term is evaluated at
Principle of conservation of mass
d/dt (triple integral (D(t)) rho(x, t) dV) = 0
Continuity equation
- local form of conservation of mass
- D(rho)/Dt + rho*nabla•v = 0
- d(rho)/dt + nabla•(rho*v) = 0 (flux form)
Continuity equation physical interpretation + alternate form
d(rho)/dt = -v•nabla(rho) - rho*nabla•v
- term 1: local changes in rho
- term 2: advection
- term 3: velocity divergence
Def: incompressible
- a flow that conserves volume
- conservation of mass -> conservation of volume
- nabla•v = 0
- alt: d(rho)/dp = 0
Is there a perfectly incompressible fluid?
It’s a useful approximation though
Incompressibility and conservation of mass
Rewrite continuity eqn: nabla•v = -1/rho *D(rho)/Dt
If changes in density are very small compared to the mean density, then the RHS in the continuity eqn is very small -> nabla•v ~ 0
- cannot plug back in and say 1/rho*D(rho)/Dt = 0 (can’t get two eqns from one)
Principle of conservation of linear momentum
d/dt(triple integral (D(t)) rho(x,t)*v(x,t) dV) = F
- F = sum of forces
- hard to solve
Conservation of linear momentum (local form)
Triple integral(D(t)) rho*Dvi/Dt dV = F - F is a sum of body and contact forces
Conservation of linear momentum (global eqn after RTT)
Triple integral(D(t), (rho*Dvi/Dt - fi - d(sigma_ij)/dxj) dV) = 0
Momentum equation
rho*Dvi/Dt = fi + d(sigma_ij)/dxj
Application: Big Bang
Eqn: Dv/Dt = 0
Sol: v=x/t
Hubble’s law
v = H0*x
Mass density (Newtonian cosmology)
rho(x, t) = rho(t)
Velocity field (Newtonian cosmology)
v(x, t) = H(t)*x
Gravity (Newtonian cosmology)
g(x, t) = -4*pi/3 * G * rho(t) * x
Deriving the cosmological equations
1) sub rho, v into the continuity equation
2) sub rho, v, g into the momentum equation
3) define H = 1/a * da/dt
Def: ideal fluid
1) stress tensor of sigma_ij(x, t) = -p(x, 5)*delta_ij
2) rho is constant
Is an ideal fluid compressible or incompressible?
Euler equations for an ideal fluid
Dv/Dt = f/rho - 1/rho * nabla(p) Nabla•v = 0
What is the ideal fluid model missing? (3)
1) shear stresses (viscosity or stickiness)
2) compressibility
3) changes in density (can be included)
Def: inviscid
Fluid with no viscosity
Characteristics of the Euler equations (4)
1) four eqns, four unknowns (closed system)
2) can generalize to allow for variable density, but then we need a 5th eqn for a closed system
3) 3 eqns for momentum are prognostic
4) fourth variable is pressure but fourth eqn is nabla•v=0 -> no p
Def: prognostic
Includes a time derivative (dv/dt = …)
Euler eqns: how do we solve for pressure?
Compute the divergence of the momentum eqn!
Poisson eqn for pressure
Nabla^2(p) = nabla•f - rho*nabla•((v•nabla)v)
Physical meaning of the poisson eqn for pressure
A diagnostic eqn that ensures the motion is incompressible (pressure adjusts to ensure it is)
- need BCs to solve (usually flat earth gravity is picked)
Boundary conditions for an ideal fluid
No normal flow: v•n = 0 on boundary
Velocity doesn’t pass through
Solid body rotation: velocity
v = (-omegay, omegax)
- omega has units of 1/s
Newton’s second law: ideal fluid version (variable density)
rhoDv/Dt = -nabla(p) - ge_z
- e_z is unit vector in z direction
Def: solid body rotation
All solutions rotate at a frequency of omega, like a solid body
What theorem is important for steady incompressible flow?
Bernoulli theorem
Def: vorticity
w = nabla x v
- w = (u, v, w) in general
Def: irrotational
w = 0 everywhere (vorticity is 0)
- no rotation
Euler eqns: incompressible flow
dv/dt + (w x v) = -nabla(p/rho + pi + 1/2 * |v|^2)
Euler eqns: steady incompressible flow
- eqn for incompressible flow
w x v = -nabla(H)
v•(w x v) = 0 = (v•nabla)H
Bernoulli function
H = p/rho + pi + 1/2 * |v|^2
Physical interpretation of (v•nabla)H = 0
- If v!=0 then H is constant along streamlines
- if H is constant in a direction, directional derivative is 0 in that direction
Steady incompressible flow: irrotational case
w x v = 0 = -nabla(H)
- H is constant everywhere
Vorticity in 2D
w = (0, 0, dv/dx - du/dy) Define w (not vector) as the z component
Physical interpretation of vorticity
The local rotation of fluid
- w*(average angular velocity) of two small line elements moving within the fluid