Post book Review Flashcards
Organophosphate and carbamate insecticides have the most direct effect on what major body system? A. Circulatory system B. Respiratory system C. Reproductive system D. Nervous system
If you have a pesticide spill at your mix and load site that doesn’t pose a threat to the environment or humans, you should:
A. Call the Department of Emergency Management hotline.
B. Call the local police.
C. Control, confine, and clean up the spill
D. Wash the spill with plenty of water.
Which of the following does not have to be on the application records for professional applicators?
A. Location of the application
B. Relative humidity
C. Wind speed
D. Month, year, and day of the application.
Pre-harvest intervals stated on a pesticide label are designed to:
A. Protect produce from residues over tolerances.
B. Protect workers from exposure.
C. Prevent drift damage.
D. Prevent environmental damage.
For which of the following pesticides can 2-PAM be used as an antidote? A. Organophosphates B. Carbamate insecticides C. Organic Chlorine insecticides D. Growth regulator herbicides
If the product you use has an Endangered Species Restriction listed, you should:
A. Not worry about it, since to specific restriction is stated on the label.
B. Obtain the necessary information to determine what the restriction entails.
C. Apply early in the morning to avoid contact with the threatened species.
D. Call the Department of Wildlife for a permit.
You are storing a pesticide. Select the correct statement.
A. Store pesticides in a warm, dry place such as a well house.
B. Store pesticides in an open area for ventilation.
C. Store pesticides with your PPE.
D. Store pesticides in original container.
Which of the following conditions contribute most to pesticide spray drift? A. Large orifice, low pressure B. Large orifice, high pressure C. Small orifice, high pressure D. Small orifice, low pressure
You are applying a pesticide to a row crop field. Your sprayer output is 15 GPA at 5 mph. If you want to double your output, what must you do?
A. Increase the pressure to the nozzles to twice the normal operating pressure.
B. Increase the speed of travel to 8 mph.
C. Decrease the speed of travel to 2.5 mph.
D. None of the above
(True or False)
In general, high-pressure hydraulic sprayers will provide better coverage in thick foliage.
(True or False)
Because of the low amounts of material being sprayed, ultra-low volume (ULV) sprayers have no problems with drift.
You need to spray your field for insects. Sweet clover grows along the borders of your field and attracts a significant number of bees. The insecticide you will spray is highly toxic to bees. Before you spray, what action should you take?
A. No action, since you will not be spraying the sweet clover.
B. Spray during mid-day so that the pesticide can dry faster.
C. Contact the beekeeper and inform him when you will be spraying.
D. Mow the sweet clover, wait until the bees have left the area and then spray.
E. None of the above.
F. c. and d. above
When using an emulsifiable concentrate formulation, what do you need to remember?
A. This formula may have a high phytoxicity hazard.
B. It may be relatively expensive for the small amount of active ingredient.
C. It needs constant agitation during application.
D. The dust is hazardous if inhaled.
Which of the following is not registered as a pesticide under Washington Pesticide and Chemigation Law? A. Drift retardants B. Plant growth regulator C. Nematicides D. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer
Which of the following is not a prohibited act as defined by Washington State Pesticide Law?
A. Use of pesticide inconsistent with the label.
B. Misleading statements as to a pesticides effectiveness.
C. Applying a pesticide at the recommended rate.
D. Making misleading statements to investigators.
Select the correct statement concerning Restricted Use Pesticides.
A. They are used only on animals and humans.
B. They are more expensive to use.
C. They can only be used by a certified applicator.
D. They are restricted for use only on insects.
The most common way for pesticides to enter your body is: A. Respiratory inhalation B. Oral ingestion C. Absorption through the eyes D. Dermal absorption
Which one of the following pesticide characteristics contributes to an increased potential for ground water contamination?
A. High solubility
B. High absorption to soil colloids
C. Relatively quick degradation properties
D. High volatility
What is an adjuvant that increases toxicity?
What is a substance added to other products to improve effectiveness or safety?
What is a hose attachment that prevents backflow?
Anti-siphoning device (anti backflow device)
What is a Botanical pesticide?
Product that is produced from plants
what are adjuvants that are used to retard the chemical degradation of some pesticides by lowering the pH of alkaline water?
Buffers (chemical)
Pesticide group containing nitrogen. Insecticides: Sevin, Furadan, Lannate. Fungicides: Mancozem, Maneb. Herbicides: IPC, CIPC.
What name is the complex scientific name derived from chemical structure
chemical name
What is the adjuvant that facilitates mixing and suspension of pesticide formulation in water?
Dispersing agent
What is a chemical which aids suspension of one liquid in another?
What is the EPA-assigned number for a product, on all labels?
EPA registration number
What is the use of all suitable pest control methods to keep pest populations below economic injury. Cultural practices, biological/physical/genetic control, selective pesticides
Integrated pest management
What is the movement of substance through soil with water
What is the breakdown of chemical by microorganisms?
Microbial degradation
What is acaricide also known as?
Miticide (because it is for mite and ticks)
What is the inert ingredient that forces active ingredient out of pressurized container?
Pesticides that have been registered with EPA for labeled use.
Registered pesticides
What products can be purchased and used only by certified applicators?
Restricted use pesticide
danger/warning/caution are…?
Signal words
(True or False) Pheromones enable insects to prevent their bodies from freezing during winter
False (Pheromones are chemicals that insects and other organisms use to communicate. Some insects that live in colder climates can produce glycerol to to help prevent their body from freezing.)
(True or False) Products with the signal word Caution are highly toxic if ingested and will potentially kill you at low dosages.
Cultural control is best defined as
a. integrating biological and other nonchemical means
b. using biorational pesticides
c. changing environmental conditions
(True or False) An inversion is when warm and cool air mix, causing turbulent air.
False (A temperature inversion is a layering of the air with the cool air next to the earth’s surface and the warm air above. The air does not mix (there is little or no vertical movement).)
Who is exempt from WPS?
a. cattle ranches
b. forests
c. greenhouses
Where is the pre-harvest interval listed on the pesticide label?
a. Agricultural Use Requirements
b. Environmental Hazards
c. Directions of Use
[_____] spray pressure and [_______] nozzle orifice minimize drift potential.
- low or high
- large or small
- Low
- Large
(High spray pressure and small nozzle orifice decrease the size of the spray droplets. The smaller the spray droplets the more likely they are to drift. Low spray pressure and large nozzle orifice produce larger droplets. Larger droplets are less likely to drift.)
The best way to prevent pesticides from becoming hazardous waste is:
a. use the newest product first and make sure you mix more than enough for the current job.
b. Triple rinse empty containers and save them to store other pesticides in.
c. Rinse containers as soon as they are empty and empty rinsate into spray tank for application to a site on the label.
(True or False) Clothing heavily contaminated with highly toxic pesticides should be bundled and discarded in the normal trash.
False (Wash separately from other non pesticide clothing)
(True or False) A pesticide may be designated a RUP (restricted use pesticide) by EPA, but not by WSDA (Washington State Department of Agriculture)?
False (If the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designates a pesticide a restricted- use pesticide (RUP), than Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) must also designate that pesticide a restricted-use pesticide.)
The three steps to a spill response are:
a. control-contain-clean up
b. run-call for help-decontaminate
c. control-cover-call
How long before a turf and ornamental pesticide application next to property on the WSDA pesticide-sensitive list, must an applicator inform the pesticide-sensitive of the application?
a. 2 hours
b. 12 hours
c. 24 hours
A (Notification of pesticide-sensitive individuals (RCW 17.21.430) requires applicators to notify those on the list when making an ornamental or right-of-way application on adjacent property at least 2 hours before the application is made. Notification shall be made in writing, in person or by telephone and include the date and approximate time of the pesticide application.)
Which of these herbicides is more toxic?
a. paraquat with an LD50 of 50 mg/kg
b. 2,4-D with an LD50 of 700 mg/kg
Which of the following must be on all pesticide labels?
a. LD50
b. active ingredients
c. antidotes
What is FIFRA?
a. Federal agricultural worker law
b. Federal pesticide law
c. Federal hazardous material law
B (FIFRA is the Federal Insecticide, fungicide, and rodenticide act that regulates production, transportation, sale, use and disposal of all pesticides. FIFRA is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).)
What Washington state agency enforces the state pesticide laws that govern individuals involved with pesticide use?
a. WA Department of Ecology
b. WA Department of Labor and Industries
c. WA Department of Agriculture
Pesticides may be transferred from the application site to other locations by:
a. leaching, adsorption, run-off and microbial degradation
b. volatilization, adsorption, absorption, run-off
c. spray drift, vapor drift, run-off, leaching
The ability of a chemical to cause harm years later from a low dose and extended exposure is termed:
a. acute toxicity
b. chronic toxicity
c. lactic toxicity
What is the best way to handle leftover spray mix after an application?
a. apply it to a labeled site
b. store it for later use
c. mix with other pesticide leftovers for later disposal
A (It is best to minimize waste so you do not have disposal problems. If you mix too much, the best way to dispose of the mixture is to apply it to another labeled site. Remember that in order for it to be a legal application the pesticide must be applied to a crop or site listed on the pesticide label.)
What are the MINIMUM storage requirements for a pesticide with a WARNING label?
a. In a locked and posted cabinet or building.
b. In a locked and posted enclosure with 6 foot tall fencing if outdoors.
c. Secured and out of the reach of children.
(True or False) An inversion is when warm and cool air mix, causing turbulent air and increasing long distance drift potential.
(True or False) When the pest population reaches the economic injury level, it is time to take management action.
False (obviously before it gets to that point)
All spills should be reported to
a. Department of Agriculture
b. Department of Ecology
c. Environmental Protection Agency
Which of the following INCREASES drift potential?
a. 3 MPH wind and low spray pressure
b. 10 MPH wind and 12 foot boom height
c. 2 foot boom height and large nozzle orifice
B (high wind speed and 12 ft up… wind will blow product away from target site)
Organophosphates that cause systemic poisonings in humans are:
a. herbicides.
b. fungicides.
c. insecticides.
Which of the following is classified as a pesticide in Washington?
a. Compost tea
b. Fertilizer
c. Spray Adjuvant
C (Spray adjuvants are products that are added to the pesticide tank mix to aid the application or effect of the pesticide. Spray adjuvants include compatibility agents, defoaming agents, surfactants, stickers, and more. Under Washington State law, spray adjuvants are pesticides.)
Which type of soil increases pesticide adsorption potential?
a. Course soil with a lot of sandy soil
b. Fine soil with a lot of organic matter
Which type of degradation is one of the most important means by which pesticides are broken down in the soil?
a. chemical degradation
b. microbial degradation
c. photodegradation
The first step in pest management is
a. select a pesticide.
b. identify the pest.
c. use biological control.
The maximum civil penalty imposed under Washington pesticide law is _______________ for each offense and/or denial, suspension, or revocation of a pesticide license.
a. $1,000
b. $7,500
c. $25,000
Laboratory studies measuring ______ toxicity are used to determine the signal word on a pesticide label.
a. acute
b. chronic
c. delayed
A (Most pesticide labels have a signal word. The signal word that appears on a label is determine by laboratory studies measuring acute toxicity. Acute toxicity is usually expressed as lethal dose 50 (LD50) or lethal concentration 50 (LC50).)
The most common way pesticides enter the body is through
a. mouth-ingestion.
b. eye absorption.
c. skin absorption.
Which of the following must be recorded for a landscape herbicide application to be in compliance with WSDA for pesticide application recordkeeping?
a. Starting and ending time of application
b. Target pest(s)
c. Name of surrounding pesticide sensitive individuals
A (WSDA requires pesticide applicators to keep records of their applications. Records must have: -name, address, phone number and license number -exact location of application -type of crop or site treated -area of treatment size -time of application including year, month, day and start and end time -pesticide name and EPA number if applicable -wind direction and speed and temperature at time of application -total amount applied -rate of application -concentration of pesticide applied -pests to be controlled for PCO classification only -application apparatus license number if applicable)
Which of the following application methods must be listed on the label to be an acceptable and legal application method?
a. band treatment
b. aerial
c. chemigation
Where would you look on a pesticide label to find information about protecting pollinators?
a. Precautionary Statements
b. Environmental Hazards
c. Agricultural Use Requirements
The term used to describe pesticides chemically binding or adhering to soil particles is:
a. absorption
b. adsorption
c. persistance
B (Adsorption is defined as the binding of chemicals to soil particles. The amount of pesticide adsorption that occurs varies with pesticide properties, soil moisture, soil pH, and soil texture.)