What did Aboriginals lose as a result of no land?
Dreaming, Spirituality, and Identity
What obligations must they live up to?
Need to perform rituals and ceremonies, protect the land, spread the culture
What is Terra Nullius?
Means “no mans land” and was put in place in 1700 when the Aboriginal land was taken
What is the Mabo Case?
Took place in 1992 and overturned Terra Nullius
What was the Native Title Act?
Took place in 1993 and allowed Aboriginal to reclaim lands with evidence of past association
What is the Wik Decision?
Took place in 1996 and allowed Pastoral Leases and the Native Title Act to co-exist
What did the Pastoral Leases and Native Title Act co-existing allow?
Allowed hunting, camping, and ceremonies/rituals on Pastoral Lands
What is Uluru?
A resting site for ancestral spirits and was regained as a result of the land rights movements
Who is Bob Randall and what did he state?
Bob Randall is an Aboriginal Elder who looks over Uluru and believes “the land owns us” and lives up to his “obligations”
What is the BIG IDEA?
Inextricable connection to the land
What is the Tent Embassy?
tents set up on the lawn in front of the Parliament House in 1972 to protest land rights and poor living conditions